Example sentences of "would have be at [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Oh I wish you 'd have been at home , I 'd have gone round there .
2 well if I 'd known enough company she said , I 'd have been at home with me feet up
3 I if I 'd have been at Jacksons I , I 'd have gone back today .
4 First of all , because it is the capital ; Paris did n't want it and in London it would have been at Canary Wharf , which as you know is now in receivership , so thank goodness it did n't go there , and the Getty Museum is also restricted for visitors .
5 Monica 's number one ranking would have been at stake at Wimbledon .
6 Across the broad , still water of the moat stood at least a dozen mounted soldiers , more than enough to overcome the serfs , since most of them would have been at work in the fields .
7 In order to make this analysis meaningful we have used the findings reported in Chapter Four in order to make a prediction about whether or not clients would have been at home had they not been supported by the Home Support Project .
8 He would have been at home as a sixteenth-century Elizabethan , categorizing people according to their essential natures ; choleric , melancholic , mercurial , saturnine , qualities mirroring the planets that governed their birth .
9 It would have been at home in Bournemouth or Scarborough or any one of a dozen British seaside resorts , Christina thought .
10 If the plaintiffs had refused to pay the illegal fees for a permit to run their vehicles they would have been at risk of having their vehicles seized and their business disrupted .
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