Example sentences of "would [not/n't] be at [det] " in BNC.

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1 But very obviously our traveller 's decision would not be at all like that .
2 In this situation an international socialist conference demanding peace short of victory would not be at all helpful .
3 In a good year a gathering of twenty pounds would not be at all unusual of the largest and most succulent imaginable .
4 If the painter were to use the same intensity of blue for the sea both near and far then the effect would not be at all realistic .
5 It seems to me it would not be at all difficult to cheat .
6 Obviously the car must contain some high-ranking officer , probably a general , who would not be at all pleased to find an important branch of M.I.9 in the process of closing itself down for the weekend early on a Saturday morning .
7 ‘ I am bitterly disappointed , for Aunt Emily says that it would not be at all proper for me to come to Trelorne and that I was very wrong to let you think that I might .
8 I would not be at all surprised if the story had been put out by Goreng or his superiors .
9 It would not be at all difficult to imagine this person running from here to the farm and back again without pause for breath .
10 There was a blaze in her eyes that had not been there before and he could see at once that she would not be at all manageable .
11 Someone , somewhere , figured out that a shapely , karate-dispensing ebony superwoman would n't be at all a bad idea .
12 " I would n't be at all surprised .
13 I have some very good leads on where these people might be , and I would n't be at all surprised if some of them were still alive .
14 I would n't be at all surprised if he insured you on his household policy along with his antiquities , paintings and Persian rugs . ’
15 You would n't be at all important to us .
16 ‘ Michael Stein hates James and I would n't be at all surprised if he had n't started a rumour like that himself .
17 It is n't designed for high volume output , but I would n't be at all upset to have one adorning my desk .
18 Henry said that he would n't be at all surprised ; but Lettice need not be afraid as long as she stayed close to him .
19 His last remark to me was that if there was any jiggery-pokery about candles he would n't be at all surprised if Jefferson did n't have a hand in it .
20 I would n't be at all surprised to find them camping on your doorstep , once they get on to this story .
21 I would n't be at all surprised if it were too much to get finished in one day — which would mean that she 'd have to stay overnight . ’
22 ‘ I would n't be at all surprised if the road from here to the slopes is blocked by tomorrow morning . ’
23 The speaker driver has now found its way onto many private BBS systems as well , and we would n't be at all surprised to see it popping up in shareware catalogues very soon .
24 It , it 's possible that the , the , the manning per hectare in this very rural county is lower than in central London , I would n't be at all surprised .
25 Despite his apparent desire , matching the sudden irrational flaring of her own treacherous libido , he still suspected her of having designs on the family fortune , and she would n't be at all surprised to discover that his attempt to kiss her just now had been a sort of test .
26 Bob and I had all sorts of schemes for us all to meet , including asking you to come to Edinburgh as a halfway house , but we realised that actually that is rather more than halfway for you , and would n't be at all easy .
27 I would n't be at all impressed with it .
28 I would n't be at all surprised
29 I would nt be at all suprised to see them play in the ‘ theatre of dreams ’ .
30 I would nt be at all suprised if all we see now is how they were provoked/mistreated etc etc .
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