Example sentences of "would [vb infin] away [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Then I 'd wash away the soap and I 'd lick your breasts , suck on your nipples , ’ he murmured .
2 In spite of his earlier suggestion that I should talk as I ate , Sir Edmund refused to listen to me until I 'd put away a plate of his favourite devilled kidneys .
3 After the curtain had come down and she 'd put away the props she hid in the extra 's dressing-room in case the reporter had changed his mind and dared to wait for her .
4 It would soothe away the worries that ached in his head , even on this hazy gold morning of early September , with a fine harvest coming and plenty of work for the young men in the new town .
5 But it will render precise almost every judgment on run-outs , and that alone would clear away a lot of dirt .
6 In a year the shop would be no more , lorries would carry away the rubble to which it had been reduced , leaving a gap to be filled by yet another chain store .
7 Whatever the answers , the enemy must not discover these questions were being asked , for this would give away the landing areas of a future invasion .
8 But when it when a bill came up and it would take away the money that we 'd saved for Kelly 's new school uniform , so it always seemed to come in a rush and there was always something needed like you know .
9 ‘ It is also to be remarked , ’ wrote Wallace , ‘ that the great chain of active volcanoes in Sumatra and Java furnishes us with a sufficient cause for this subsidence , since the enormous masses of matter thrown out would take away the foundations of the surrounding district ; and this may be the true explanation of the often-noticed fact that volcanoes and volcanic chains are always near the sea .
10 Their first tactic was to say they would take away the licence of any striker : their second was to say all striking drivers were in breach of contract and fire them .
11 I just hoped that our marriage would take away the bad in both of us .
12 It was her inevitable fate that an imperfect marriage and the relentless scrutiny of the modern royals would fray away the mantle of the Fairytale Princess .
13 All the conflicts he explained , would melt away the minute we had a screenplay in our hands .
14 Already there was a fledgling brewery at St. James 's Gate and the stage was set for the arrival of one who would sweep away the myth and mystery and bring instead the art and science of brewing to perfection .
15 He would put away the car quietly , leaving the garage open in case the thud of the door woke her , then sneak in like a thief at the back door .
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