Example sentences of "would [vb infin] [pron] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 You see , you 'd think I knew about these things would n't you , you 'd think I knew
2 She used to show you a collection of photographs which she kept in her wallet as if they were family photographs , but in fact these pictures were all pictures of men 's cocks , she used to make them stop on the way home at the photobooth in the entrance to the station , she 'd make them stand on the stool with their trousers down , she never got caught — Greta , on seeing me leave with an especially handsome man : ‘ I hope you 're on the pill . ’
3 He 'd make me sleep with the kids , then he 'd make me come back to bed with him , in and out all night .
4 ‘ Simon reckoned he 'd adored you for years and that he intended to be that boyfriend , and he 'd make it happen by ensuring the two of you were together as much as possible .
5 Oh , I should n't have phoned you ; I might have known you 'd make it seem as if I 'm moaning .
6 She said she felt sure you 'd want me to sit beside you . ’
7 Every holiday he 'd fly back to the Gulf to be with his family , to put his feet on the familiar sandy soil of his own land , and every holiday he 'd want me to go with him .
8 I 'm sure you 'd prefer her to work beside you . ’
9 ‘ Unless , of course , you 'd prefer me to report to the Reichsführer that we lost this man because of your stupidity . ’
10 ‘ Believe me , I 'd prefer you to remain in ignorance .
11 And I mean one had to be grateful because she was much more concerned about whether I 'd hurt myself falling off the ladder than her wardrobe .
12 I do n't think I 'd know what to say to them .
13 At least I 'd know what to do with her .
14 In fact , had he four Mohammed Ali arms I doubted if he 'd know what to do with a paintbrush , or with a toothbrush for that matter .
15 I wish Marie was here now — she 'd know what to do about Mr Jackson and Combe Court and that .
16 ‘ I thought she 'd do it bit by bit in detail , but she does n't .
17 He was great to work with — I 'd do anything to work with him again .
18 They really hate my father — they 'd do anything to get at him . ’
19 Then they 'd give you order for next morning when , when meat got more freer , you know , when there was more of it , after the war had got over .
20 Progress seemed to have halted ; two more furtive searches of Charlie 's office had turned up nothing other than his hidden Scotch bottle but then , every evening of the day after a job , she 'd see him go in there empty-handed and the book would be on his desk when he summoned her .
21 I mean you 'd see it going round the town quite regularly emptying the gullies .
22 ‘ I 'd like everyone to get into the habit of rinsing their own coffee cup after use and putting it away in the top cupboard . ’
23 ‘ I suppose you 'd like me to go into purdah ? ’ she enquired scathingly .
24 ‘ Is there anything special you 'd like me to order from the town ? ’ he said eventually , as he rinsed his mouth with real orange juice .
25 Oh good , O K , any other causes you 'd like me to think about ?
26 A few months ago I asked you to write to the magazine with your queries about Silver machines , and suggestions for the subjects you 'd like me to write about .
27 And me — you 'd like me to work for you ? ’
28 Er , I er hope Councillor has got his pen ready because there are one or two things I 'd like him to mention to Virginia Bottomley and I would n't like him to forget them .
29 I 'd like him to fall in love and get married .
30 Well I 'd like to see a very open report , and that 's why I Mr , and I 'd like him to look at all the options , we 're deferring this so that we can see what 's possible , you know , , perhaps Hanson Trust would like to come along and offer us fifty million pounds for it , that 'd be a fair deal would n't it , perhaps somebody else would do that .
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