Example sentences of "would [be] like a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Erm I just erm read the question like and I just I I I thought it 'd be like a triangle , you work it out on the triangle and then I thought no that
2 In one way he was glad to be interrupted — superstitiously afraid that if of his own volition he decided to leave the miraculous spot then the unique mood would not follow him and he would be like a man without a shadow .
3 If one day you found he did n't , it would be like a blasphemy .
4 That would be like a holiday in itself .
5 Even the knowledge that they 'd been invited to submit ideas would be like a shot of adrenalin .
6 In effect , each DHA would be like a Health Maintenance Organisation .
7 Without that the royal authority could not be exercised , and the realm would be like a ship lacking a rudder .
8 The victor , presumably Ken Clarke , would be like a Goth or Vandal marching into the smoking ruins of Rome .
9 I suppose I thought it would be like a hospital ward , but it 's quite like an ordinary nursery , really , except it 's so dull .
10 Its stopping would be like a death in the family .
11 Displays would either flick between functions at the touch of a button or would be like a television screen , showing all sorts of information at once .
12 Now that Travis had got hold of the scent he would be like a bloodhound , and there was no knowing what Lori would inadvertently reveal .
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