Example sentences of "would [be] [art] [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 I came as a foreigner and I 'm told that Suffolk people were stand-offish , difficult to get to know and you 'd be a foreigner for years .
2 Filled with a gentle and breadpaste mixture , with a couple of gentles on a number twelve hook , I think it 'd be a cert for bream . ’
3 That 'd be a sight for sore eyes with that one .
4 It 'd be a release for her .
5 There 'd be a search for her an' all in another five minutes .
6 ‘ Do n't you realize I 'd be a target for all the men living in World 's End who are just looking for a loose woman to amuse themselves with ? ’
7 At least there 'd be a garden for the twins to play in .
8 But the company said tonight there 'd be no reprieve for Cowley 's South Works .
9 Well , chummy , my scores are so extensive there 'd be no room for your pifling efforts .
10 ‘ There 'd be no room for one 's clothes , ’ said Lili , ‘ not with all those tablecloths and napkins . ’
11 You could n't have one without the other or there 'd be no room for us all .
12 There 'd be no need for General Roquelaure to mention it to us in London . ’
13 Congress , if a few more voters got off their backsides last year and gone out and voted , and voted Labour , there 'd be no need for this motion at all because it 's Labour Party policy anyway .
14 When he sat down he said , because he felt guilty , ‘ I thought it 'd be an adventure for Henrietta . ’
15 RCA was initially keen to release ‘ Davni Chasy ’ from the Ukrainian LP but eventually agreed it would be a mistake for the band 's début single on a major label .
16 But it would be a mistake for women to consider themselves reasonably ‘ safe ’ , because after the menopause a woman loses the protective effect of her hormones and her chances of suffering from heart disease are almost equal to a man 's .
17 But the modern world is not neatly distinct from traditional society , even in its most Westernized corners , and it would be a mistake for International Relations to suppose otherwise .
18 It would be a mistake for anyone to infer that Boulestin was a man who had no more sense than to attempt amateur cooking in his own restaurant .
19 Meanwhile , it would be a mistake for legislation on divorce , tax or pensions to assume that they had .
20 He had not been serious , and although she had thought herself in love with him at the time he had known that it would be a mistake for them to marry — even if Burun , who was her father , had been prepared to permit such a thing .
21 I have not yet concluded the exploration , and I think that it would be a mistake for me to make any premature statement about our next intentions , but I shall keep the House informed .
22 It would be a mistake for the ANC or the government to think that they are the only parties in the negotiating process . "
23 The disclosure letter is just as important a part of the negotiations as the sale and purchase agreement , and it would be a mistake for extensive work to go into the due diligence exercise and subsequent negotiations of the sale and purchase agreement , only to be undone by an inadequate disclosure letter .
24 But it would be a mistake for many , if not most companies , to follow Rentokil 's example .
25 It would be a defence for a person charged to prove that he/she had good reason or lawful authority for having the article with him or her in a public place .
26 That would be a subject for discussion in their house tonight , a scene , no less , at the bus stop with the Hogan family of all people .
27 The hamper would be a present for the three of them and she 'd be thinking of them having a jolly evening .
28 She would be a companion for both princes .
29 The only scenario in which there would be a case for building a PWR as soon as possible on the grounds of plant shortage involves a sustained increase ( 4 per cent growth per annum ) in manufacturing output from 1979/80 .
30 Since cannibalistic tadpoles feed preferentially on partially metamorphosed or weaker individuals , there would be a tendency for those likely to hatch earlier or later to be weeded out .
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