Example sentences of "would [adv] be [adv prt] of " in BNC.

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1 Nina wanted to keep holding hands , and hurried the sleeves over her arms so they would not be out of contact for long .
2 But in the crazy world of intelligence that would not be out of place .
3 The Shepherd 's Week ( 1714 ) , though clearly a burlesque , used images of agricultural life that would not be out of place in the work of Duck or of Mary Collier .
4 The results range from the almost predictable ( say the unsettled but distinctly South African ‘ township ’ feel of Lullaby ) to the totally unpredictable , ; the title track is indeed just that , ranging from a tight , boppy ensemble that would not be out of place as a riff in a Basie band arrangement and transforming ( metamorphosing — see ? ) into a complex interweaving of improvised joint soloing against rhythmic drumbeats and back again .
5 Vincent-Jones continues : ‘ We decided that some sort of celebration would not be out of order on the occasion of this remarkable escape .
6 In Tune with the Infinite , subtitled Fullness of Peace , Power and Plenty , would not be out of place on any committed New Ager 's bookshelf if it were n't for the frequent references to God and the Holy Spirit .
7 At least the newly painted floor would not be out of commission too long .
8 The Mail had a regular page for women which would not be out of place in an English daily , where it may well have originated :
9 He persuaded the government to allow a group of students to be sent to the USA in 1872 , but they were recalled for fear they might become ‘ too gay ( morally loose ) or western ’ ( Wang 1928 : 44 ) , a comment which would not be out of place in more recent times .
10 There are pastures which would not be out of place in the Peak District , woods reminiscent of mid Wales , sharp climbs and panoramic views .
11 Elderly people in residential care live in conditions which would not be out of place in prison , according to Help the Aged .
12 Whatever its actual effect , the English wanted at least to make sure that they would not be out of pocket over expansion in America , and the fear that they would lose money was expressed by the economist Charles Davenant when he wrote in 1698 : ‘ it can not reasonably be admitted that the mother country should impoverish herself to enrich the children nor that Britain should weaken herself to strengthen America . ’
13 There are some relentless industrial dance tracks here , like the opener ‘ Agitate ’ or ‘ In Vain ’ , which would not be out of place amidst the FLA/Skinny Puppy/Front 242 axis .
14 There are some relentless industrial dance tracks here , like the opener ‘ Agitate ’ or ‘ In Vain ’ , which would not be out of place amidst the FLA/Skinny Puppy/Front 242 axis .
15 Although Digital has never put a figure on the number involved in what it terms the downsizing of its operations , the company 's president , Robert Palmer , has said that those figures would not be out of line .
16 The ‘ tendentious ’ story would soon be out of the way , making possible a return to what Dostoevsky thought was much more important , the Life of a Great Sinner project .
17 He thought he would soon be out of sight .
18 For instance , if in constitutional law you are directed to write a note on the ‘ kangaroo ’ ( a method of curtailing discussion in the House of Commons ) , a discussion of the closure and guillotine ( two other methods of curtailing discussion ) would generally be out of order .
19 Such a list though , would hardly be out of place elsewhere .
20 He would still be out of work .
21 The ANC subsequently announced the postponement until June 1991 of a national congress initially planned for December , when a new leadership was to have been elected , on the grounds that delays in agreeing the conditions for the return of the exiles meant that a large proportion of ANC membership would still be out of the country at that time .
22 Reckless optimism about 1992 would clearly be out of place — but to hear Mead you 'd think there was a crisis of confidence in advertising not only among clients but among some of the industry 's own leading lights .
23 If a world chess congress were convened to reconsider the rules for future tournaments , arguments would be made in that congress that would clearly be out of order within a game of chess .
24 I went home and reported this to Mum who explained to me that the fire meant that a lot of people would now be out of work until the Laundry was rebuilt .
25 The contagious A Little Love sets the scene with a biting chorus , while Lonesome Cavalier and Bridge of Dreams would n't be out of place in the charts .
26 Of course , this has n't dissuaded thousands of hardened clubbers from carrying on ignoring the heat and wearing outfits that would n't be out of place on Scott 's trip to the Antarctic .
27 If this suggests that Washington DC 's Velocity Girl would n't be out of place at our very own Falcon or Bull & Gate , then fair enough .
28 My brother and I used to have a joke — we saw how hard our father worked — that we would only consider medicine if we could become specialists in venereal diseases , because we would never have to get up in the middle of the night and we would never be out of work .
29 The whole scheme would involve the placing of a ‘ solar sail , 10 kilometres by 5 kilometres in size , in geostationary orbit 23,000 miles out from the earth where the sun would never be out of sight .
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