Example sentences of "would [adv] be [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd rather be here than be at school .
2 I 'd rather be out and about , finding my customers in the market-square or the boulevard . ’
3 Well I 'd hardly be out if the door was n't locked when it 's dark .
4 ‘ I would rather be here than in Portugal . ’
5 On McDowell 's account , it would presumably be either as the language acquired such new structure , developing something like a pronoun system and ( iterated ) belief attributions or as , quite independently , behaviour became more complex , calling for higher-order indexical belief states for its explanation ( cf.
6 A banquet-hall deserted — Broadstone Station would henceforth be only that to thousands for whom it had for long been associated with happiness — the happiness of the day 's work , the happiness of companionship , the happiness of simply being alive on a fine day .
7 ‘ Then it would obviously be best if I leave you on your own until you 're in a more reasonable mood , ’ he said , walking towards the door .
8 Constance had assumed that , since she and Scarlet lived next door to each other , they would constantly be in and out of each other 's houses and behaved accordingly , which had suited Scarlet very well .
9 This amount would just be more than one year group at St Aidans .
10 The reason given was that children would not be religiously and educationally prepared for the reception of Holy Communion and Confirmation because they had not been educated at a catholic school , irrespective of their parents ' alternative provisions : in one area , parents had set up their own Sunday schools as an alternative .
11 Of course Marguerite would not be here unless she had already found a companion ; Alain would not have allowed it .
12 My daughter would not be here if it was not for orthodox medicine but I do believe her condition has been improved by homeopathy . ’
13 I can see that the third party would have a cogent argument that even if he were liable to compensate the plaintiffs in respect of these matters it would not be just and equitable to require him to make a contribution to the third defendant 's liability .
14 It was hoped that , in present circumstances , the drawbridge would not be up nor the portcullis down , with the enemy army camped so close at hand , and its leaders no doubt either in the castle or lodged in houses in the town .
15 The cash call was accompanied by a statement that taxable profits for last year would not be less than £200,000 .
16 They would not be there unless they shared the European ideal and believed themselves to be an integral part of the process of European unity .
17 The illusion that I had and perhaps many others had in the early seventies was that somehow we could reach a blissful state where all tensions and anxieties would not be there and we would be sexually , as well as emotionally , free .
18 I could see , moreover , that if I were quickly to go outside and conceal my person behind the large rhododendron bush beside the path , it would not be long before Mr Cardinal came by .
19 His twin devotions to Quantock solitude and the company of Tom Poole brought not only physical separation from the Lime Street cottage , but a widening emotional distance from his forthright , practical , and hard-pressed wife : it would not be long before the autumn happiness of their Clevedon days was a distant memory .
20 We played badminton and sang folk songs , but we knew as we wept and prayed with refugees from Czechoslovakia that it would not be long before we were asked to make even the supreme sacrifice to stop , if we could , the Nazi menace .
21 Yet the first indications that London was soon to show explosive growth were already present , and it did not need much foresight to see that it would not be long before any green-field site chosen near London for the location of the College would soon be engulfed in bricks and mortar , which would sweep away hay- and grazing-fields , market gardens and brickfields alike .
22 Martha , her youngest , was being courted by Sam Baldwin , the youngest son of the family at Cauldron Mill ; although the lad had not yet spoken to Jonadab , Annie knew it would not be long before he asked for their daughter as his bride .
23 It seemed as if it would not be long before a treatment was found for every disease .
24 I paid the fourpence for two coffees , and after I had seen Clare to her train back home , went to St Andrew 's to make a few notes of plans to defend myself , for I knew it would not be long before I faced a new ‘ trial ’ — by the hospital 's board of governors .
25 He had grown quite a bit , both upwards and outwards and , as I shook hands with him , I reflected that it would not be long before he won a professional tournament .
26 It would not be long before de Lattre faced the divisions of Giap 's new model army in the set-piece battles which the Vietminh were prepared to risk in a premature general offensive ; and it was in more conventional war of this kind where US assistance and particularly US munitions would apparently tip the scale .
27 I fancy it would not be long before the dole was docked correspondingly .
28 There was no real evidence before the Standing Committee that such material was currently being produced or in circulation , but the fear was expressed that , if the ‘ private member 's club ’ defence were to be removed from the most common form in which such material was currently produced , namely books , magazines and pamphlets , it would not be long before such clubs began to produce their propaganda in new media .
29 Well , it would not be long before things became clear .
30 It would not be long before some driver would chance on the scene and phone the local police .
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