Example sentences of "would [adv] have [be] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They were all thin people — there 'd almost have been room for a fourth person in the double his parents had bought him as a wedding present , so getting three people in it was certainly not an impossibility .
2 Natch if the operation had gotten the go-code , that List would only have been part of it .
3 if it existed , would also have been a causal circumstance for c , and , we might add , would not have been part of a causal sequence including cc .
4 This would not have been part of the usual flight to Los Angeles .
5 ‘ I had too much respect for Yule Craig and would not have been part of anything that let him down .
6 ‘ Without your action there would not have been blood , Coptic blood , on the streets . ’
7 We should have realized at the time that in the emergency of AD 196 there would not have been time to build walls round town defences .
8 Between then and now there would not have been time for Newley to drive down to Miller 's End , walk to the gazebo , get himself killed and become as cold as he was .
9 Yet , in the model described above , there would not have been time since the big bang for light to get from one distant region to another , even though the regions were close together in the early universe .
10 This is conceded in respect of an offence which would once have been larceny by a trick .
11 There would hardly have been harmony between them if they had the same desires , if their interests coincided , if they were a threat to each other .
12 Had the top layer of chalk found on the surface soil of the Falaises been mostly of the Micraster type , it is extremely improbable that there would ever have been champagne .
13 There would always have been ambivalence towards her charges because they were not only a means to an end , but also rivals for the limited rations of parental attention .
14 Even with auxiliary regiments present , there would still have been work for an official to oversee civilian activities .
15 The clear association of religious cults with the buildings at Chedworth can be much strengthened by the existence of other structures in the vicinity which would probably have been part of a large establishment .
16 If he was shot sitting down there would probably have been blood on the back of his chair …
17 Pascoe said : ‘ I do understand that it would also have been blackmail but in the circumstances I was n't adopting a very high moral position .
18 Some of the earliest TV ‘ panellists ’ , who would later have been chat show hosts but were regulars on games like What 's My Line ? in the restricted TV hours of the 1950s , were well known columnists in the popular dailies .
19 I do n't know what progress is , but I do n't think that would really have been progress , " I said .
20 What you would n't have are redundancy costs , because you make people redundant and it also costs money , does n't it ?
21 As my legs and arms suddenly felt shaky like they were going to give way , I decided that in this case ignorance would indeed have been bliss .
22 Although there would undoubtedly have been job losses after the merger , the proposal can be viewed as a relatively straightforward attempt to restructure and then rationalise an industry with excess capacity , with firms which were insufficiently large to exploit economies of scale and thus unable to make a profit .
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