Example sentences of "would [verb] [conj] she [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He 'd know if she 's been substituted . ’
2 A fine fool she 'd look if she allowed herself to be swept off her feet by more of those blood-stirring kisses , then found herself dropped like a burning coal the moment Doreen stepped through the door .
3 She slid him a sideways glance , wondering how he 'd react if she announced she was leaving immediately .
4 Embarrassment curled hotly through her as she remembered what she 'd read and she snatched up the case and marched towards the door , but it was n't that easy to push it from her mind , not when she remembered Luke Calder 's mockery .
5 Just that I think Susanna wants to spanner to work , her bike 's not here otherwise I 'd have if she gets back in time , fair enough .
6 But he 'd go if she wanted .
7 There were those , of course , who 'd say that she 'd only herself to blame .
8 my great grandmother 'd say as she held kids
9 I knew the police would think that she had killed the little boy .
10 ‘ I would think that she turned the bitterness against Russell although he was completely innocent .
11 She had made the mistake of assuming they would think as she did .
12 I would think if she think 's she 's gon na be a bit nervous then I 'll get .
13 But at this thought rage grasped her and shook her with red-hot hands , so that her eyes went dark and she found herself walking fast up the road , and then along another , and another , walking as though she would explode if she stopped .
14 There were telephones , and they would answer if she knocked loudly enough .
15 As for that other one , which was how he now alluded to the daughter he had always doted on , she was in her room and there she would stay until she saw sense .
16 She had her back to the door and was standing at a filing-cabinet taking out more information she would need when she heard her assistant come back .
17 Claudia sat down quickly , feeling she would fall if she did n't .
18 Then , John said , he would know that she had been arrested because she had forgotten her pass , which all blacks had to carry , and would automatically telephone his father to go and fetch her from prison .
19 Well , now that she was no longer there , he would have to pay attention ; would know that she had been serious .
20 Now he would know that she had rushed out of the solar , half dressed , to find him .
21 Once she had seen Harry again , she would know if she 'd only imagined that special magic between them .
22 She wondered how she would feel when she saw him again .
23 ‘ I said I wondered how she would feel when she knows her own sister is having a relationship with the man who left her …
24 Suddenly in the silence of the small hours its patience would break and she listened rigidly to its scrabbling attempts to break out .
25 This Monday morning she was intending to register with a secretarial agency ; a temporary job would do while she looked for something more permanent .
26 He wondered fleetingly what Elaine would do if she knew that he was the ‘ Grantley Ripper ’ .
27 As she got into her car , she pushed away the worrying question of what she would do if she found evidence that implicated Veronica in the murder of Hugh Puddephat .
28 Perhaps Rachel did too , or would do when she had had time to work it out .
29 She thought that the first thing she would do when she earned some money would be to buy a house or a caravan like they had in Turpin 's Field , so that whatever happened they could all be together , safe for ever and ever .
30 He did not answer but just before she heard his bedroom door close she would swear that she heard a small chortle of laughter — as if her dry afterthought of a good morning had amused him .
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