Example sentences of "would [verb] [conj] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 You asked the question of of what this criterion erm could mean and I 'd suggest that it means the following .
2 Although a mouse is not vital , I 'd suggest that it makes using FP a whole lot easier .
3 And eventually you 'd notice that it had petals around the horizon .
4 It moved two things which put it into operation , you know and er I could turn the knob and it 'd get the whole thing going , it 'd get you inside , it 'd register that it 'd been , when you shut the door , as soon as you shut , in the toilets , as soon as you shut the door the penny dropped down , see what I mean .
5 He 'd say that it proved that , instead of a machine or a sampler , we really did play it !
6 ‘ That 's what you 'd say if it happened to anybody else . ’
7 Yes , I 'd argue that it does make a difference , because we are announcing the fact that er we are coming along to possibly alert somebody er that we were coming into a building and then hence we encounter even more problems .
8 I gave this approach this title following a pamphlet which reproduces a lecture given by the English Anglican bishop of high church disposition John Austin Baker to a conference of the Movement for the Ordination of Women.l8 I believe that it is ( in less thought-out form ) widely followed by proponents of the ordination of women , perhaps of a less radical variety , and certainly I would think that it appeals to many men .
9 Different considerations would arise if it did , since it would be contrary to public policy for the court not to recognise as a qualified representative of the head of state of the foreign state the diplomatic representative recognised by Her Majesty 's Government .
10 Demand for prospectuses has been such that an Independent scribe seeking a Warburgs telephone number for publication was told the firm really would prefer that it did not appear in print .
11 The MoD said it would comment when it had been able to study the report in full .
12 The ‘ heap ’ of important VAX announcements that Digital Equipment Corp said it would make before it reveals more Alpha RISC licencees ( UX 386 ) , will take place on July 7th .
13 He thought about the soaring , almost optimistic leap the Volkswagen would make as it cleared the edge of the cliff ( from Henry 's memory of it there was no safety barrier on that particular stretch of the Apennines ) .
14 After that , Waits retreats into his usual ho humdrum bummed-out bluesywoozy alkie drone mode mood muzak , the sort of mozzery gushy mush your dog would make if it had vocal chords and could handle its drink .
15 Although the structure plan was compiled mostly by a group of consultants , it was updated by the Islands ' planning authority and , since it does bear the name of the Council , one would assume that it mirrors the ideas of the local bureaucracy .
16 The Home Secretary , Kenneth Clarke , yesterday disputed the interpretation put on Mr Hurd 's words last Wednesday but refused to say what the Government would do if it lost .
17 This applies to a certain extent to the solution of the detailed stress distribution around a crack and until this was known in some detail it was not possible to predict what a crack would do when it met an inhomogeneity such as the interface between a fibre and a resin .
18 her voice would carry till it found him out ?
19 There was no fundamental weakness in the PWR design and British safety standards would ensure that it operated as well as the best .
20 The process of arbitrage would ensure that it occurs although in reality market participants would alter rates immediately , so that arbitrage opportunities did not occur .
21 Now North Yorkshire County Council er I think in their statement look to erm to existing market towns to provide what little evidence they can up to justify fourteen hundred dwellings , er I think that 's again a simplistic approach because by definition the market now can seal them up wider catchment area , many of them are some distance from York , and the settlements concerned provide a service base for a number of surrounding villages , and therefore the actual specialities and services found within that particular settlement are greater than one would achieve if it did not have a large catchment area .
22 If ‘ it is raining ’ expresses the belief that it is raining , but says not that I , the speaker , have that belief , but simply that it is raining , it would appear that it differs in meaning from ‘ I believe that it is raining ’ .
23 I I would I would suspect that it needs some some interpretation .
24 That is the quantity of extra resources that a competitive industry would use because it has higher average and marginal costs .
25 A relation is said to be transitive if the fact that it holds between two elements A and B , and also between B and some third element C , guarantees that it holds between A and C. The relation ’ — is longer than — ’ is thus transitive , because if A is longer than B , and B is longer than C , we can be sure that A is longer than C. In the case of an intransitive relation , on the other hand , the fact that it held between A and B , and between B and C , would entail that it did not hold between A and C. For instance , if A were the father of B , and B the father of C , then A could not be the father of C ; the relation ’ — father of — ’ is thus intransitive .
26 The question always is whether the defamation is of the class itself ( in which case no action arises ) or whether ordinary readers would believe that it reflected directly on the individual plaintiff .
27 They would see that it has inherited the cruel and violent tendencies inherent in the origins it shares with Judaism .
28 Sometimes it went to sleep on the rag rug before the electric fire and snored quietly , or its paws would twitch as it chased rabbits in its sleep .
29 It is not as highly structured a programme as microteaching would demand but it applies some microteaching principles in the emphasis placed on the elements of classroom interaction .
30 What could be more sensible than the suggestion that the best way of evaluating a thing for its very own self , and not for its effects or its contribution to the value of larger wholes , is to consider what value it would possess if it existed in complete isolation ?
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