Example sentences of "would [verb] [pron] have [adj] " in BNC.

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1 You 'd think they had another road block down here .
2 overthrow local tyrants , take the armed forces from the landlords , it 's not , you 'd think they 'd all , they ca n't defend themselves now , we might as well have a go .
3 So , what probably happens is that women at the bottom of the social heap in the United States , having poor health care , high stressed lives , crime , drugs and all these kind of problems , probably have more spontaneous abortions , therefore the sex ratio away from males towards females , whereas women at the top of the social scale , low stress lives , good health care , better maternity erm medicine , stuff like that , retain more foetuses , therefore you 'd expect them to have more males , and this is what seems to happen .
4 You 'd expect them to have opposite signs .
5 ‘ If I was n't a happily married lady , I 'd envy you having such a gorgeous partner . ’
6 I wonder if she 'd let me have some more straw and hay
7 ‘ I 'd say we have three minutes left to do the same ! ’
8 I do n't have that much brains , but I 'd say I had good common sense .
9 You would think he had better things to do with his time .
10 And it would explain your having several months off .
11 Anyway , the bank WERE NT exerting any pressure … despite some things said on TV over the weekend … hence Silvers comments just after the announcement of the sale , that the money would ensure we have some flexibilty should we need to enter the transfer market again .
12 Ethics do have a place in the boardroom , and our employees , er employees in I B M , would expect them to have that place .
13 He sees them as an ‘ albums ’ band but would like them to have Top 10 hits in the singles charts .
14 Every time we arranged to come to London he would decide he had other things to do .
15 Further assumptions are that we are fragmented as a movement , and that unity , not a hollow unity which does not go beyond slogans , but an authentic unity established in a principled way , would enable us to have more of an impact in effecting change in our own communities and in turn worldwide .
16 I should be grateful if you would let me have any amendments or omissions a.s.a.p .
17 In the meantime I asked my vet whether he would let me have some sedatives to put into her food .
18 What she told me about vegetable growing meant very little to me , so I can barely recall now what was said , except that she would let me have some strawberries on Monday for my brother 's supper , but I remember how easily the talk went , my unexpected visit serenely taken for granted , with no query as to why I had come .
19 This would allow them to have some influence in the company ( unlike in Britain , where there has been no sizeable reservations of shares on a collective basis in the shape of employee trusts ) as shareholders as well as having worker-directors .
20 From your dealer 's comment , it would seem you have this creature .
21 ‘ I would say you have two choices , ’ he rasped , frowning down at her .
22 Some would say it has derogatory connotations .
23 ‘ I would say he has spinal injuries .
24 I would say I have some influence .
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