Example sentences of "say he [is] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Doctors say he is lucky to be alive .
2 But Hong Kong analysts say he is unlikely to be tempted by Canary Wharf , preferring North American property .
3 And he is defiant in the face of critics who say he 's lucky to be selected .
4 And if he 's simply got tired of the pressure and gone off for six months to play golf and be with his family , they usually say he 's short of bottle .
5 Cirencester tertiary college 's principal says he 's pleased with this years results .
6 Cirencester tertiary college 's principal says he 's pleased with this years results .
7 The local MP says he 's pleased with the security improvements but believes the terrorist threat is far from gone
8 He says he 's proud of her .
9 Jan Turner says he 's delighted with the way the race has gone and Kathmandu will now be the race everyone wants to run in …
10 Mr Jarvis says he 's delighted with the coursework pupils have produced on the film , but that the scheme can only continue for another couple of years .
11 GLenn Hoddle says he 's delighted with his team .
12 Oh dear , a prediction there , well the team boss , Frank Williams says he 's delighted with the decis , decision , the decision and he now wants to help Mansell achieve his ambition of becoming world champion before he finally does hang up his helmet .
13 He says he 's sorry for the families .
14 Christine said , ‘ He says he 's sorry about his deafness , it 's because he 's so old . ’
15 Chairman Des Moffatt says he 's familiar with another unflattering nickname for the flats , but the Bronx comparison 's an exaggeration .
16 A lawyer whose client committed murder while on bail says he 's opposed to a new law which could lead to more people being remanded in custody .
17 The psychologist also says he 's likely to be married .
18 His mother says he 's lucky to be alive :
19 Two women in the car escaped unhurt , but the home owner says he 's lucky to be alive .
20 It 's the third such accident at the same spot and the owner says he 's lucky to be alive .
21 Elizabeth says he 's wonderful with Angharad .
22 Eddie Browning says he 's angry over long delays facing other prisoners seeking appeal hearings .
23 And he says he 's full of beans .
24 A north Oxfordshire G P , who was on Edward 's Heath recent mercy mission to Iraq , says he 's concerned for the health of hostages still held in the Gulf as the tension in the region begins to mount .
25 The Director General of the Prison Service says he 's concerned about overcrowding at a prison which a national report says is the most overcrowded in the country .
26 The first speaker , Canon Ron Mitchinson , industrial commissioner for the of Oxford , says he 's concerned about the effects on the families involved .
27 ‘ He says he 's interested in building up a representative collection of primitive and tribal art , but when we tell him the best place to look is in his own back yard , as it were , he tells us he does n't want Abo art , ’ James said , trying unsuccessfully to pronounce the last two words of his sentence with what he imagined was an Australian accent .
28 ‘ My mam says he 's prob'ly in prison or run off with a bit of stuff , ’ said one of the hostiles in the playground one milk-break .
29 Now the Professor , who 's originally from Austria says he 's worried for his safety .
30 Kim 's father says he 's satisfied with the way the trial was handled .
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