Example sentences of "say that you do [not/n't] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I do not know what sort of a man you have become , Mikhail , and you say that you do not remember me .
2 Yesterday afternoon we parted in such love and friendship — and now — now — you say that you do not wish to marry me !
3 Just say that you do n't want to do it . ’
4 Of course , if he looks dodgy then do n't stop in the first place ; just say that you do n't carry a watch .
5 Obviously with so many having lost their lives on the disaster , you say that you do n't feel it 's maybe an act of God int hat sense , that you were picked to be saved , but erm you do n't feel any guilt as such either , o that you were one of the ones and er so many others had been lost ?
6 I take it from what you say that you do n't want him to see the child ?
7 Glenn says that you do n't necessarily need a frequent wash shampoo .
8 Oh , we got plenty of help , and of course , it 's always been said that you do n't reveal a man 's past until he 's been found guilty of an offence , but our magistrates were all local shopkeepers you know
9 Having said that you do n't know whether
10 This guy just said , ‘ I can bring it here first thing in the morning in a carrier bag , and do n't be clever by saying that you do n't want it . ’
11 Which is shorthand for saying that you do n't have to cheat very much .
12 Now if you like you can sign all it says is erm it just it 's just telling you what it is and saying that you do n't mind them typing up the words form this .
13 We 're not saying that you do n't like that .
14 And they were saying that you do n't give , the local erm MP was saying you know people just give their kids up and walk away .
15 again which they 've had have n't they ? , for how many weeks in the year do you actually attend cos I said that you do n't get grant for the holidays and it stipulates the term
16 ‘ Do you mean to say that you do n't know he was murdered ? ’
17 ‘ Do you mean to say that you do n't know the name of the street your own garage is in ? ’ she says sharply , exasperation overcoming sensitivity to racial minorities .
18 An environmental change can ease this : it is much easier to say that you do n't have any sweets in the house than to say ‘ no ’ to a child who knows that they are in the cupboard .
19 Now then part of it is they ask me You do n't have to , but they ask me to ask people to sign erm to say It 's just to say that you do n't mind your conversation being used .
20 ‘ It 's difficult to say that you do n't take notice of criticism , because you ca n't avoid taking notice of it .
21 to say that you do n't want to read all those letters .
22 and at the same time can I say that you do not equate elitist views and pleasures and pastimes that they may have down in the county somewhere with the kind of deprivation that people face in the inner cities .
23 you dare n't say that you do n't understand any thing he says you 've got to explain
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