Example sentences of "say to [be] [vb pp] on " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , a quota was said to be imposed on the number of warrants which the Home Office would permit the police at any one time in order to ensure that the need for existing warrants was carefully scrutinized .
2 At the Haymarket he directed Alec Guinness as John Mortimer 's blind father in A Voyage Round My Father ; at the Royal Court his version of Charles Wood 's Veterans starred John Gielgud and John Mills as two film actors on location ( the play was said to be based on the filming of Tony Richardson 's Charge of the Light Brigade ) ; and at the New Theatre , Donald Sinden scored a brilliant success as an urban fop pursuing a country heiress in Eyre 's revival of Dion Boucicault 's London Assurance .
3 William Boot , hero of Evelyn Waugh 's Scoop , is said to be based on which former cabinet minister ?
4 He had insisted , so the story went , that he knew — and his knowledge was said to be based on information handed down from Choco ancestors long dead but unforgotten — what no one else in Panama knew ( or apparently wanted to ) , and no one in the world of historical scholarship knew either .
5 It is in this sense that a system of majority decision-taking , rather than any particular decision , can be said to be based on consent .
6 The most familiar is that of total ignorance , in the sense of making no response at all , and which could also be said to be based on total ignorance .
7 Most trivial arguments are said to be based on matters of principle .
8 Traditionally the French nation was said to be divided on the basis of ‘ Three Cs ’ — the constitution , clericalism and class .
9 According to Alcuin the oppression of the Church by the secular power had been for some time a feature of Northumbrian political and ecclesiastical life , but the problem now was that Eanbald was said to be accompanied on his journeys through Northumbria by a retinue more numerous than any which had attended on his predecessors and inclusive of low-born soldiers , and Alcuin affected to be at a loss as to why he needed so large a force .
10 Squire Western is said to be modelled on Philip Bennet , and the heroine of Tom Jones on his daughter Ann .
11 Cybill , 42 , advertises L'Oreal cosmetics , said to be tested on animals .
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