Example sentences of "say to [be] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The second youth was said to be about the same age and was wearing a bright coloured top .
2 Royal College of Nursing members at the hospital had expressed worry over possible job losses and morale was said to be at a low ebb .
3 The margins applied to the spot rate would be said to be at a premium , premium because it makes the US$ more expensive in terms of sterling to enable the cost to be passed on .
4 Talks were said to be at an advanced stage and ‘ going well ’ .
5 For council staff , already weary from last years round of cuts , moral is now said to be at an all time low .
6 Lindsay Philpott , the Tory , is said to be at an even greater disadvantage than he would otherwise be because he lives in Cardiff .
7 For example , if pottery from a pit is said to be of a particular date by the specialist , a decision has to be taken as to how , if at all , that date relates to the pit in which the pottery was found .
8 Both were said to be of no fixed abode , although they originate from the Old Swan district of Liverpool .
9 Both defendants were said to be of no fixed abode , although they originate from the Old Swan district of Liverpool .
10 Remains of the chancel are said to be of the 12th century , and the tower was rebuilt in the 15th century and has three bells .
11 Thus Regulus ( 1.3 ) is said to be of the first magnitude , while Castor ( 1.6 ) is not .
12 Next I proceed to what may be called conservative Christologies , Christologies in which the maleness of Christ is said to be of the very essence of Christology .
13 That conception , for all the problems it raises , can not reasonably be said to be of the same character .
14 These three papers are said to be of the same standard as the six Law Society 's finals papers .
15 Allied-Lyons was also said to be on the Goldsmith hit list .
16 Southeastern Asset Management , a US group , was said to be on the verge of selling on its 10 per cent stake .
17 Further west , nitrogens in the few crops of Puffin barley so far harvested are said to be on the low side .
18 A red national flag was chosen , no alliances with non-party forces were envisaged , the country was said to be on the road to socialism .
19 It may be said to be on the right lines , but at best it provides materials for an answer to the logical question , materials which it does not combine properly .
20 Corn that was not bound into shuffs ( sheafs ) was said to be on the gavel .
21 And James Herbert , another of Hodder 's biggest selling authors , is rumoured to be going the same way : he is said to be on the point of signing a two-book deal with HarperCollins worth £1.7m .
22 Three operations are said to be on the verge of bankruptcy because their claims — submitted through the ‘ one door ’ compensation office in Lerwick — have not been met .
23 When the trust is in demand , prices are likely to be at the upper end of the range and the trust is said to be on an ‘ offer ’ basis .
24 One is said to be for the Lord and the other for Azazel .
25 Efforts to control whaling between the wars was said to be for the purposes of resource conservation ; that they were really concerned with managing the flow of whale oil through international markets .
26 MADONNA 's new contract with Warner Brothers is said to be worth a cool $60 million .
27 The obstacles to this were largely financial : it was said to be beyond the means of the WWF , let alone the Government of India .
28 Should the company do a thing which was outside the scope of the clause it was said to be beyond the company 's powers and ultra vires.At common law an ultra vires act was unlawful and without binding effect and a shareholder could restrain the company from undertaking ultra vires activities .
29 Such groups were said to be like the foreigners in the adjacent forces , for it was constantly repeated that many wanted to join us but failed because of some inadequacy .
30 The Romans were taking the Merano Cure from as early as the 4th century and its spring waters are said to be among the best in the world .
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