Example sentences of "say he [be] [v-ing] to " in BNC.

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1 They say he 's going to be the next Director . ’
2 Ernest says he 's going to be a leader of men ! ’
3 Every time I see him he says he 's going to the police . ’
4 Well he says he 's going to the , he said he was going to the on Friday and they would be finished by Friday .
5 O'Leary is in the second year of a leisure management course at West London Institute where he says he is adjusting to minor celebrity status .
6 While they were saying so , Marshall was contacting Mrs Tavett and learning that her husband had said he was going to the surgery that morning but had not been home since .
7 PRESIDENT Bill Clinton last night prepared the country for a painful package of tax increases and spending cuts , saying he was trying to ‘ change a direction of 12 years and take a new course ’ for the economy that would quickly provide half a million new jobs .
8 Your analogy would be more accurate if you 'd talked of a mechanic saying he was going to the boot of my car to check the battery , having of course meant to say the bonnet .
9 Dee-Dee drifted in and out , offering coffee and company , and Tremayne put his head in to say he was going to Oxford to see his tailor , and to ask if I wanted an opportunity to shop .
10 But this week Mr Milburn said he is writing to Mr Peter Lilley , trade and industry secretary , calling for a switch in status so more Government grants would be available .
11 Geoff said he 's going to Gartree
12 ‘ He said he was listening to our track Move Any Mountain on his Walkman while the city was being shelled .
13 When he said he was moving to Loxford to start another life before it was too late , she thought of abandoning him but she did not think it for long .
14 She knew all about Gesner — he 'd got a girl pregnant last year and everyone in the Company said he was appalling to the new leading lady , although she had n't noticed it herself .
15 SUVA ( AP ) — Major General Sitiveni Rabuka , leader of Fiji 's two military coups , said he was returning to the army rather than accept the post of civilian deputy prime minister .
16 In a letter to magistrates at Wetherby , West Yorks , he said he was rushing to a speaking date when stopped in a 50mph zone on the A1 .
17 He said he was coming to Moila later on , on business .
18 ‘ You said he was coming to tea . ’
19 And er he just , he said he was coming to erm my Uncle Les ' funeral but he never turned up .
20 The Feldwebel said he was going to the lavatory .
21 Someone said he was going to be doing engineering .
22 So I asked him what he was up to and he said he was going to and fro in the earth and walking up and down in it , and then he pushed th " trolley in , and I went in after , and the mother began her howling and shrieking , and Will said , " Well , I 'll walk off and leave you to it . "
23 She was so surprised by the warmth of his smile , by his being able to smile so frankly , so like a friend , that when he said he was going to lunch at the Blue Lagoon and would she come too , she said yes , all right , without thinking .
24 She displayed no interest in any of the social events he said he was going to and wondered if he might see her at .
25 ‘ He said he was going to .
26 ‘ She also said if he 'd gone like he said he was going to , this would never have happened and they would all have been a lot better off . ’
27 ‘ He said he was going to trained to go on a crash team .
28 He said he was going to and see that it was done
29 Well he says he 's going to the , he said he was going to the on Friday and they would be finished by Friday .
30 Ju Jim said he was going to down here .
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