Example sentences of "say i have [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 and she 'll go and get the milk out and say I 've just got myself a glass of milk mum , oh right , okay not even aware that she 's gone out to the fridge you know , fair enough we say ah , you do n't do you ?
2 I say I 've not seen her
3 As I say I 've not had anything like the bad experience of it that a lot of people have had .
4 you know as I say I 've not worked in this division but I I know that these have been fully sold , that 's the sort of money and once again that has to be done in three weeks .
5 what Ken say I 've always wanted a pedestal
6 I hope they kill him , say I 've never seen
7 These advantages appear to me to outweigh the disadvantages identified by Mr of there being more outsiders in the family household , possibly homesick and unhappy carers who are not living in their own homes , but at the establishment and the trouble and worry to the of what would be not infrequent , recruitment of new carers for Mrs , I hope perhaps a trifle pessimistically thought that on average carers would not spend more than about a year of course , some longer , some shorter , because such carers necessarily had to be fairly young , fit , strong people and the stresses and strains of the er the whole business she thought would lead to reasonably rapid turnover , not the emergence of long-term carers who might stay for a number of years , er , as I say I 'd rather hoped that she may be unduly pessimistic about that , but , that , I accept what she says about it .
8 And I have n't , as I say I have n't seen it yet , but erm I 've had a look at it but not actually been inside it , because they 're doing , still doing it up .
9 I go up to meet Anita , anyway you can get a parking space up there , so I 've turned , drove up there they say I have n't left as early , it was while I was learning
10 No as I say I have n't got much to lose or anything but I think it 's a trade that is worth protecting and er you know it 's not a trade er it 's a living for the people in n it ?
11 They say I have only flirted with a temporary vice and its vice-keeper and , having survived them both , I am still me and I am no junkie .
12 I says I 've already told you about it , she says yeah I know she says but you 're going for some petrol tonight , I just wondered if you were coming up for an hour tonight .
13 When Anne had tentatively broached the subject of where Kathleen was to go when she left hospital , she said , ‘ Doctor Boland says I 've not got to worry about that .
14 He says I 've always followed his career , from the 1960 Olympics .
15 He says I 've always wanted to meet him .
16 She says I have just bought this pram from a jumble sale and I am thinking I may use it as a flower pot and maybe make some model babies out of flowers .
17 Yeah cos he realise I mean , he often says oh well , you know , she made me turn against my family and be horrible and he says I have n't had time , he says I realise how wrong I was .
18 She says I have n't spoken to many wives but I was horrified , everyone is very upset .
19 He says I have n't got you working long longer I worked the bigger the pension I have when I go out .
20 Yeah it says , I read the thing and it says I have n't got ta let them in unless they 've got a warrant so the first time they come they would n't have a warrant , surely , so they 're gon na have to go away and get a warrant and in that time then I 'd have to get a licence would n't I ?
21 Anyway because I were there with them you see he thought it were me that had got it and I says I have n't got it .
22 Mike Morley says I have always refuted that allegation and I still do .
23 It was she who told me that Doogie was a commis chef at one of the better Park Lane hotels ( and I 'd said I had n't realized his politics were important and she 'd just looked at me ) and she was a journalist with one of the North London suburban weeklies .
24 Well what I what I did here , to work it out so I could come up to some sort of value , is I said I have n't had time to chuck these back on the screen yet to start again
25 And David Evans , all white and stammering , do n't you tell me my father 's a bloody animal I 've got to kick out of the way , and G.P. saying I 've never hurt an animal in my life , you can always make out a case for hurting human beings , but human animals deserve every sympathy .
26 She was off she was saying I have n't done this look
27 oh , must find this seat belt ca ca n't find it wo n't go in it 's flashing at me saying I have n't got my seat belt , but I have or and we 'll go off to Southwold
28 Talking in Leicester this week and last week to groups of black women , some black women are saying I have never thought before about being able to talk about what I am and making up my own mind .
29 No I said I had n't seen you .
30 ‘ You did n't believe me when I said I had n't distracted Simon and you would n't have believed me if I 'd told you it was your child I might be carrying , ’ she replied , her voice shaking a little despite all her efforts to project a calm image .
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