Example sentences of "say to be [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 Faced with the choice of reinventing itself or hanging up its boots , 88open , the supporters club for Motorola Inc 88000 RISC vendors , is said to be finalising a plan to offer its conformance testing expertise to the industry at large , via a separate organisation that will develop and implement test suites for suppliers of other RISC architectures and consortia like PowerOpen or Sparc International it sees as potential customers .
2 France recognises its poor performance in population assistance and is said to be developing a new programme , which , however , is expected to focus on public education and demographic research and training rather than family planning assistance .
3 Six UK licencees include the Prudential Building Society , the Post Office and Swiss Bank — North West Water is said to be taking a look .
4 The new French government is said to be taking a fresh look at the matter .
5 HOG members stress the group is concerned only with generic definitions , and whilst OSF is said to be taking a lead role in new work , HOG members have already agreed to endorse those previously established by the Network Management Forum .
6 The indigenous people avoid these fish during the tree 's fruiting season and , if other fish predators do the same , the tree could be said to be operating a Securicor system for its offspring .
7 Painting as an art form became news once more , and young artists were said to be rediscovering a Romantic tradition in English painting that encompassed landscape artists from Turner to Paul Nash , and visionaries from Blake to Stanley Spencer .
8 One person on his own could not constitute a procession , but if a person were to march on his own , having publicised the fact widely in advance , it would seem that he might be said to be organising a procession if , Pied Piper like , he were to draw a crowd of supporters and followers .
9 He is often said to be fixing a ‘ tariff ’ period ; and there is no harm in using that expression provided that one realises that it is the Home Secretary 's tariff , not the judges ' tariff .
10 Meanwhile , Novell chairman Ray Noorda is said to be circulating a letter among industry executives asking them to be expert witnesses in the FTC case against Microsoft .
11 Mr Culley is said to be having a hard time coming to terms with what has happened .
12 Both television companies are said to be losing a lot of money on baseball .
13 The big question now is how soon the blond from Henley will eclipse the blonde from Finchley , who is said to be planning a speech which would make Joan of Arc sound hesitant .
14 Heritage Secretary Peter Brooke is also said to be planning a number of smaller cash payouts to keep punters ' attention .
15 Meantime Microsoft Corp and SoftPC house Insignia Solutions Ltd , the Queen 's Award winner from High Wycombe , Buckinghamshire and Mountain View , California , are said to be planning a pre-emptive strike against SunSelect 's Windows-on-Unix WABI system this week , pitting a Microsoft-backed Insignia SoftPC against it in the market .
16 The journalists to whom I am referring can more solemnly be said to be practising a modern art of indirection , of the unintelligible and the interminable .
17 The quiet life obviously palled : he is said to be making a comeback .
18 One man was ‘ seriously ill ’ and the other was said to be making a satisfactory recovery .
19 Companies which utilize an aggressive sales policy , based on personal selling , are said to be adopting a push strategy .
20 A major question posed is the extent to which the professional bodies , including the Engineering Council and the institutions , can be said to be performing a mediating role between the members of the profession and the government ; that is representing the memberships ' interests while also entering into agreements with the government which are likely to limit their members ' freedom of action .
21 These also seem to be the stories enticing actors Madonna , for example , is said to be preparing a screen version of the life of another anguished martyr : the tormented Mexican painter Frida Kahlo .
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