Example sentences of "say [that] it is not " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I speak on behalf of the Labour Party when I say that it is not , and never has been , the duty or responsibility of either a local or education authority to promote homosexuality ...
2 I have been accused of favouring Transworld in the past , so I feel I must defend myself and say that it is not that I love Transworld so much as that I admire success .
3 Neil , as it happens , is himself a committed Scot , but the Scottish-based executives say that it is not the current incumbent of that post , but the fact that the regional directorate enjoys ultimate power of veto which worries them .
4 Page 30 of the Members ' Manual says that it is not ‘ appropriate for council stationery or postal facilities to be used to indicate the party allegiance of any member or group ’ .
5 In his footnote to Analysis of the Phenomena of the Human Mind , J. S. Mill says that it is not ‘ the individual and instantaneous impressions ’ that an object produces in us that we predicate of the object .
6 The Council declared that the Church of Christ is to be found here , but it no longer says that it is not to be found anywhere else as well .
7 The Opposition pooh-pooh the matter and the right hon. Member for Sparkbrook says that it is not really a problem and that the numbers are going down .
8 The NRA simply says that it is not the practice in the industry to assign to any scheme the costs of economic disruption during its construction .
9 I can not understand why the hon. and learned Gentleman says that it is not so .
10 The SLORC had repeatedly offered her freedom on condition that she went into exile , but Aris said that she never discussed this " because she says that it is not negotiable " .
11 British Coal says that it is not worried by the change because these days it considers only projects which beat 8% by a decent margin .
12 We have always said that it is not for nothing that the Unix prompts are dollar and percentage signs and at last somebody out there has the common sense to recognise that fact too : the new Unix Reseller Show , set for May 4 to 6 in Dallas , is blatantly promoting itself with the slogan ‘ How To Make Money With Unix ’ ; if that does n't bring the punters piling in , nothing will .
13 We have always said that it is not for nothing that the Unix prompts are dollar and percentage signs .
14 Given that we may have yet more to learn about human reproduction , it must be said that it is not a case of ‘ views ’ which may or may not be right .
15 The main advantage of this type of support is that it keeps the joint warm , but it has to be said that it is not really suitable for more recent or severe injuries .
16 The extent of the duty to state reasons thus varies according to the nature and context of the measure in question , and it may be said that it is not required to go into matters of detail to a disproportionate extent .
17 But it needs to be said that it is not a belief that Richards himself takes for granted .
18 It is often said that it is not very easy to turn an omelette back into eggs .
19 I have been quoted as saying that it is not birth , marriage , or death , but gastrulation which is truly ‘ the important event in your life ’ .
20 ‘ I find myself in complete agreement with Professor Knight and would go further in saying that it is not credible that a karate chop to the base of the nose could cause a fracture of the anterior cranial fossa without considerable damage to the nasal structure . ’
21 It goes without saying that it is not £75,000 in respect of each but the total earnings ’ figure which must not exceed £75,000 .
22 Now it is of course always possible to substitute ( x ) Fx for ( Ex ) Fx , replacing the existential quantifier , that is , with a universal quantifier plus negation , but there is nothing much to be gained by such a swap , for to paraphrase the proposition that something is human by saying that it is not the case that everything is non-human is merely to beg the question .
23 I would defend the system by saying that it is not inadequate in that it certainly guarantees quality and safety in this country , but it leaves much to be desired in that it is diverse and scattered throughout hundreds of different local authorities .
24 If the atheist uncovers ‘ His ’ identity , then lo and behold the theists start saying that it is n't God after all .
25 But just now you said that it is not something seen as just your problem .
26 He said that it is not about additionality , but about the way that the Government are targeting the money .
27 Which is also to say that it is not the case that there is no connection , or that a category mistake is involved in the mere comparison .
28 The intervening years have not seen any revision , but this is not to say that it is not both necessary and desirable .
29 I know in New York it is wealth that counts , but I am pleased to say that it is not so everywhere .
30 We feel drawn to say that it is not .
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