Example sentences of "say [that] he [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 There was no doubt in my mind at the time that Ferrari wanted him and that negotiations had reached a fairly advanced point : perhaps exactly the point Mario wanted , the point where he could go to Chapman and say that he 'd like to stay at Lotus but that Chapman had to be able to match Ferrari 's money .
2 Jesus says that he would comfort Jerusalem as a mother hen takes chicks under its wings .
3 Dr Julius Grayling , the man in charge , says that he would have had a worse chance of getting a grant from the Mandan Foundation if he had applied with a literal description of the work he wanted to carry out .
4 None of them has been met , yet today he says that he would have signed up to a single currency without any opt-out clause .
5 Beowulf says that he would like to sail for Hrothgar 's land and take up the fight against the monster .
6 ‘ Er … ’ said Zach thoughtfully , feeling a little stumped for words , ‘ Er , Mr Oakley says that he 'd like to er … converse with you .
7 Ellin says that he could tell even as a sixteen-year-old that " here was a writer who reduced stories to their absolute essence " and , he adds , the ending of each de Maupassant story is , when you think about it , " as inevitable as doom " .
8 He says that he can see understand their point of view .
9 So sure is Berkeley of the ultimate impossibility of this abstraction that he even says that he will let his whole case rest on it .
10 But farmer Ken Sawkins says that he will lose his livelihood if the biking is stopped .
11 Mr Brown says that he will consider it only if 500,000 people sign up .
12 The famous film director from France could speak no English , and so Miranda was being sent to do the interview as well as provide the paper 's weekly caricature ; she had the address of the location , a newsagent 's in the High Street of a part of the city she had never heard mentioned before , Giblett Park , though she had lived in London most of her life ; the Press Office had said that he would give her ten minutes between takes , or more if she were lucky and the filming was going well and Jean-Claude Meursault was feeling mellow .
13 That is what the right hon. Gentleman has said that he would do if he were Prime Minister .
14 Years previously , as a probationary cadet at Harrogate , and later at O.C.T.U. , he had said that he would like to make a success of soldiering , but not for the sake of prestige or promotion .
15 In his letter announcing the betrothal , João had said that he would come to Ireland in the summer in order to take Sara back to Lisbon before the autumn storms , so her expectation of his arrival mounted with each passing day .
16 Had he really said that he would share her with the whole of Fighter Command , or was that an erotic fantasy born of her own desire ?
17 That has been contradicted by the hon. Member for South Shields ( Dr. Clark ) , who has said that he would take money from British farmers with one hand and give part of it back to them with the other .
18 Dr Courtney , she told me , had said that he would help her in any way he could .
19 On Aug. 17 Lewandowski had said that he would recommend shutting down the entire copper complex , which included the Lubin mines , if the strike continued .
20 On Aug. 17 Lewandowski had said that he would recommend shutting down the entire copper complex , which included the Lubin mines , if the strike continued .
21 The England hooker , who has already said that he would have accepted only the usual expenses had he undertaken this summer 's tour of the Republic marking the South African Rugby Board 's centenary , has now been quoted as saying that ‘ remuneration was mentioned . ’
22 It was said that he could estimate the structure of the whole creature from just a single bone .
23 Of his voice , it was said that he could make himself heard from the harbour mouth to his Aunt Bridget 's kitchen in a full-blown gale ; but for all his thunder and lightning , his thigh-slapping guffaws and crude sense of humour , there was in Harry a man who needed the love of a woman , a man who , having been brought up by an uncle with strictly puritan views , longed for the approval and admiration of his elders .
24 While appreciating the extraordinary difficulties facing Mr Lamont , it must still be said that he could have handled them better than this .
25 Mr Levin has said that he will seek to reduce debt by selling off $3bn of non-strategic assets .
26 It is truly said that he can go to bed at night with a clear sky as far as Home Affairs are concerned and wake up the next morning with a major crisis on his hands .
27 Where the summons has been so sent by post and returned to the court office undelivered , notice of non-service ( N 216 ) is sent to the plaintiff saying that he may request bailiff service .
28 ‘ If Inspector Cotton finds out there is a common weapon in this case and his , he will be saying that he ought to control both …
29 Palmerston then interrupted , saying that he ought to have consulted the House first .
30 Sir John died seven years ago , but in all that time Lavinia has not increased Benedict 's allowance , as she might well have done , nor made any provision for his accommodation , other than saying that he might live at Merchiston Lodge if he chose . ’
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