Example sentences of "say [conj] she do n't " in BNC.

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1 She says that she does n't mind either way , though she would n't say no to Neighbours at 5.30 , as we have missed the 1.30 episode .
2 She says that she does n't know why there 's all this fuss .
3 Yasmin says that she did n't start out to be a model .
4 And er she says that she did n't want summat expensive when she could be buying summat for kitchen , you know , like a microwave or summat like that .
5 She had fully expected to be dismissed the next morning , but nothing was said and she did n't ask .
6 Latterly , she had stopped saying that she did n't believe in God .
7 So now they 're saying if she does n't , if she goes off again without her mother 's consent then they 'll take her into care .
8 bring her plate home so she said she said that she do n't know if she 'll make it or even if she 'll be home for christmas so erm I said oh well !
9 Australian sprinter Raeleen Boyle once said that she did n't think she 'd ‘ ever felt totally comfortable with my lifestyle since I gave up running . ’
10 Josie said that she did n't usually get in until around six , but that there were a few extra jobs that she wanted to finish off ; Lucy had the feeling , but did n't say so , that the main point of the exercise was probably to get her out of the way before the slender red-haired woman arrived home .
11 She said that she did n't want any diversions because she was about to start something big , something that really fired her up .
12 My mum wrote back and said that she did n't have that kind of money .
13 For a moment Erika was strongly tempted to say that she did n't but instead she meekly said , ‘ Yes , Mother . ’
14 If she was waiting for him to say that she did n't need to diet she had a long wait .
15 Something , something in her friend 's tense attitude seemed to say that she did n't want her visitor to know she was expected elsewhere .
16 she said cos she were talking , she knew tape were still running and she were pretending to say that she did n't say I could do it but she did
17 to get her car back , you know what they said if she does n't pay that thirty pound within six weeks they 'll pawn it !
18 And she was gon na , aye trying to do her ironing because she said if she did n't get it done they 'd be all next week 's as well to do , and I said to Tracy what 's he doing all day ?
19 ‘ OK , I wo n't , ’ I said but she did n't hear me .
20 I asked her why she slept with tourists and she said because she did n't like Thai men .
21 ‘ And I 'm very pleased that you have , ’ he said when she did n't continue .
22 ‘ With this one there was very little injury and as well as that she was quite a big girl and it may very well be that at the end of the day we could say that she did n't resist to the last and if she did n't then of course it 's not rape it 's a different crime , indecent assault . ’
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