Example sentences of "say [conj] [det] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Well I I say that that at the best I think it it 's just a question mark or a dash .
2 They say that more of the therapy group were married , and married people with cancer are known to survive longer ; that help with pain control meant they were more likely to remain active and continue with exercise ; and that they tended to eat better .
3 A great deal is stuffed into Knowledge Adventure disks through the use of high efficiency compression algorithms and John Cave says that many of the benefits of CD ROM are featured like full motion video , sound , music and speech — without the need for any additional hardware like a CD ROM drive .
4 This is still true when he says that some of the respondents lacked the emotional maturity to respond adequately to poetry .
5 Jim Bob , laughing , says that some of the crew are here , as much for him to talk to as for their tour responsibilities : ‘ Because if we were n't having a good time with our friends we could n't do this . ’
6 Sinclair Hood ( 1971 ) says that some of the fresco subjects were secular , but the evidence points increasingly to a pervasive religious content .
7 He says that some of the technology , such as the switch fabric , will be bought in , though the source has yet to be decided .
8 Donna Haber , of the white-collar union ASTMS , says that most of the studies so far have involved feeding genetically engineered E. coli to test subjects .
9 There was a thing about Rick Holden on Sunday where he says that most of the players just sit around or go to the pub etc after training and on their days off .
10 The talks were held under the auspices of the UN Food & Agriculture Organisation ( FAO ) , which says that most of the well-known marine fish stocks are being exploited at or far beyond the limits of sustainability , largely because of the development of deep-sea fleets working far from home .
11 The company says that most of the losses will be in administrative and management positions , not among workers in the companies Paris theme park .
12 Alexia Lindsay says that most of the ephemera money just came from guide books and maps ; illustrated theatre and concert programmes ; and leaflets , all ephemeral things , apparently of no intrinsic value , but ‘ printed collectibles ’ as they are now called – and spelt !
13 The huntsman could then claim the dragon 's treasure hoard , and it is said that many of the noble houses of England were thus financed .
14 It has to be said that many of the BUF 's ‘ orators ’ would not be hard to improve upon .
15 It should be said that many of the problems which make quality control of elements of the course above subject level a challenge for modular courses are not a challenge for conventional courses only because insufficient comparability exists to make quality control a serious possibility .
16 Doctors in Bosnia have said that many of the children injured during the violence in Sarajevo will die unless they are evacuated and treated quickly .
17 It is said that neither of the plaintiffs actually signed this acceptance , their apparent signatures being forgeries made by a person or persons unknown on behalf of the conspirators or their connected companies .
18 On the other hand , though , it has to be said that some of the local urban excitements have been on the tame side recently : a swimming pool murder , an outbreak of cholesterol war between rival pizza outlets , the car that drove into the non-drive-in dry cleaners , and so on .
19 Barth travels far and wide through the Bible , from Genesis to Revelation , and digests , criticises , and re-states a vast amount of material from the previous history of Christian thought , and from contemporary discussion — much of this in lengthy pages of tiny print , which readers are sometimes relieved to discover can be passed over without loss of the main drift ( though it should be said that some of the finest passages are to be found in the small print ) .
20 I 've said that most of the time we do n't know what our own beliefs are , because we do n't believe we have them .
21 The Lord Jesus Christ is saying that all of the Scripture is summed up as a love relationship with God and a love relationship with our neighbour .
22 Within a few weeks the Minister Mrs Hedy d'Ancona , who is on record as saying that some of the works are in such poor condition that they can not be given away without loss of face , will come forward with a number of proposals .
23 But she said that many of the issues involved are also raised by licence applications from Advanced Computer Communications Inc and Alanna Corp , which are already being considered .
24 My right hon. and learned Friend said that many of the new responsibilities that he announced would lie with the TECs .
25 The report said that many of the chemicals in commercial use today had not been adequately tested for their toxicity .
26 One of the organisers said that each of the surrounding villages has a committee who organise their own band competition and offer prizes .
27 Megaw LJ said that each of the parties desired to avoid the possibility that the other might challenge the opinion of the valuer because the parties had stipulated that the auditors should act as experts , and by doing so they had showed that they wanted a measure of certainty , accepting the risk , which applied either way , that the expert might err .
28 The Minister said that all of the activities of the civil rights movement had indicated that it was predominantly a Republican body , and activities in Derry did not disprove that .
29 The winding up of the New Town Development Corporations began in the mid-1980s , and in December 1986 the Minister for Housing said that all of the New Town Development Corporations would have gone by 1992 .
30 The most detailed of these came from Wilshere , who said that most of the time had been taken up by the medical evidence — summarised with a wealth of detail ( which will not be repeated here ) .
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