Example sentences of "say [pron] [am/are] [not/n't] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 say I 'm not watching !
2 The reunion is held every two years and although this year 's was intended to be the last , organiser John Gray of Plymouth , said : ‘ Every time I say I 'm not going to do it again , they twist my arm to plan another . ’
3 As I say I 'm not going to respond immediately cos I think other people ought to .
4 If they book me a flight out of Gatwick , like the charters do , I just say I 'm not going on that one , get me Luton , change the ticket , get me Manchester , I do n't care , I 'm not going from Gatwick .
5 No , I can ring in work and say I 'm not going in this afternoon , er , I mean , but it is , it is , er , self discipline exercised by members when we do talk about issues on the agenda .
6 No , I say I 'm not sitting here much longer .
7 When you say you 're not feeling so good is it sort of headache-ish feeling
8 ‘ First you say you 're not equipped , then you say go back to doctoring , then you say it may be good .
9 ‘ You say you 're not going to be jealous or possessive .
10 ‘ You say you are not lost , yet it seems unusual for someone to come across this spot . ’
11 and , cos I said to the dealers for a long time you know do n't put them under stairs , do n't put them in store rooms , they get locked , locked up with vacuum cleaners and you ca n't get to the gear when you go to them , do n't put them high up on the wall we ca n't reach them and they just laugh , but er , I think the last laugh 's on us now cos er if I see one high up on the wall , I say well that , I say we 're not accepting that , you have to move it
12 When we 're writing the , the things that do n't apply in the job file we have to , presumably we have to reference procedure , say we 're not following this Q P five point five but we are doing .
13 Erm so you restrict acceptable values of X. Say we 're not going to accept any negative numbers in this .
14 Say we 're not going to come swimming today .
15 In order to write objectives and as I say we 're not gon na labour this point because it , it 's easy .
16 My Lord very briefly just sweeping up one or two points , my Lord I do n't think I need to because as I say we 're not challenging the law , erm I do n't think that 's the right context in which these , these problem arise
17 Staff at Watford Gap say they 're not looking for a place in the annals of high cuisine , just to continue making their customers a nice cup of tea in the morning or a nice cup of tea with their tea .
18 Police say they 're not treating it as suspicious .
19 But Chelsea say they 're not paying a penny .
20 Cotwold Council officers say they 're not running a vendetta against the Hintons .
21 They say they 're not shutting it there 's not much we can do is there ?
22 Er they say they 're not worked hard well I think they have they 've moved er moved a few thousand tons from there and erm .
23 Road safety experts say they 're not to blame , it 's the law .
24 With the US dollar buying only 116 Japanese yen , US companies should be slashing their prices in Japan — but they claim that they ca n't — Apple Japan Inc and Sun Microsystems Inc say they are not benefiting from the strong yen because they buy so much from Japan , and that has become more expensive in dollar terms as the yen has risen .
25 The NFU is pressing the government to pay compensation to the men , who say they are not to blame for their predicament .
26 Police say they are not linking the two incidents .
27 The Wedding Present want to make records but say they are not bothered how many they sell .
28 And I 'll tell you he says I 'm not telling you what to do .
29 ‘ All the same , ’ said Araminta thoughtfully , ‘ Papa says I 'm not to see you again till it 's over , and you 're either arrested or cleared .
30 He says I 'm not speaking today .
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