Example sentences of "will be [vb pp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I know if I get into trouble again I 'll be done for the arson charge and breach of probation , and that means a few years in jail and I could n't handle it .
2 A shepherd can never be sure at what hour he 'll be done for the day , but the priest 's man leaves Upton as soon as Vespers is over , and so he did this time .
3 Of course , you 'll be hooked from the moment you sit in the driving seat , but then there 's a problem .
4 They 'll be joined by the winner of today 's eagerly-awaited clash between long-time Wimbledon rivals , Stefan Edberg and Boris Becker .
5 Vanity and a nod towards Alan Meale compel that we also include this : A short-sighted scribbler called Amos ; Recorded the gaffes of the famous ; And if ever his column ; Becomes faintly solemn ; He 'll be sacked on the spot ( who would blame us ) ?
6 On arrival in Oberkirch you 'll be presented with the Oberkircher Dannezapfli , ‘ the little Oberkircher fir cone card ’ .
7 Severn Trent is being forced to make the changes at the Netheridge Sewage Works near Gloucester at a cost of more than thirty million pounds … a cost that 'll be shouldered by the customer .
8 I 'll be gone by the time you wake up in the morning .
9 Only 7 nuns remain at Bartestree and they 'll be gone by the time auctioneers sell off the contents of the convent in 3 weeks time .
10 Only 7 nuns remain at Bartestree and they 'll be gone by the time auctioneers sell off the contents of the convent in 3 weeks time .
11 The travellers have promised they 'll be gone by the end of the weekend .
12 I thought , ‘ I 'll be kept in the station for an hour dealing with all this .
13 Contempt for the emptiness of the ‘ caring ’ rhetoric of people like Chris Patten and fear of the Euro-enthusiasm of people like Mr Heseltine ( not that there are any people like Mr Heseltine , but there are many high in his party who seem to share his desire to join a United States of Europe ) have welled up , and I have thought like Malvolio : ‘ I 'll be revenged on the whole pack of you . ’
14 Unable to cope in the outside world without treatment , they 'll be jailed by the courts again and again .
15 I 've had this er framed and I hope it 'll be mounted in the tower so future visitors will be able to see it .
16 " You 'll be met when you step off the boat in Kingston , and taken to a safe house , and then you 'll be absorbed into the organization at some level .
17 The talk , says Mimms , is that when they develop a new ground it 'll be built around the old boardroom .
18 Some of the criticisms which are voiced by service planners and professionals when thinking about ordinary housing for long-term patients is that it is ‘ too expensive ’ , or that ‘ They ca n't cope on their own , ’ or that ‘ They 'll be affected by the same stresses and strains that put them in hospital in the first place . ’
19 There are likely to be plenty of times in the coming months when he 'll want to walk away , because no matter what attitude he starts with , he 'll be affected by the Grendon experience and that can be frightening .
20 I bet you roads 'll be blocked in the morning . ’
21 Cut panels squarely around door architraves , there 's no need to scribe to fit the profile as they 'll be covered by the flooring .
22 It 'll be run by the security firm Group 4 , and is likely to open soon although the date has n't been announced .
23 Now at one time I used to say here you are here are the two products when you go on the training course it 'll be decided at the end of the training course which product you 'll go on .
24 They 'll be situated around the town and in and around the football ground .
25 They 'll be fitted to the new generation of Hercules transport aircraft .
26 But they 'll be elected by the cast .
27 Worthy of special mention is the evening Variety Show when you 'll be dazzled by the colourful costumes in the Las Vegas-style revues .
28 It 'll be taken to the vet to see whether or not it 's worth saving .
29 It 's expected he 'll be taken to the Horton General Hospital in Banbury .
30 You 'll be rescued in the morning without fail ! ’
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