Example sentences of "will be [adj] for [pron] " in BNC.

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1 so she was telling me all about it and er , the times they were going , oh it 'll be nice for them
2 so er , it 'll be nice for them in the summer , especially for the little sister , now she 's getting more confident in the summer like they can go to all the shows and that
3 And I thought , if I can win owt like that it 'll be nice for her .
4 Well it 'll be nice for you and Greg to have Christmas on your own
5 So really it sounds the sort of thing that 'll be nice for you and I to go really just to get away from the children .
6 We raced down to Bromley and got to the registry office and there was David 's Mum saying , ‘ You 'll be late for your own wedding .
7 ‘ You 'll be late for your appointment . ’
8 You 'll be grateful for your boots around here but take care .
9 ‘ I 'm sure he 'll be grateful for it , sir . ’
10 A BBC spokesman insisted the pair had not asked for the changes and promised : ‘ They 'll be available for anyone needing them . ’
11 ‘ It 'll be good for me .
12 And that 'll be good for her as well cos it 'll mean that she 'll meet and Craig
13 Yeah , you 're told you 're going and we spend the first day overcoming barriers to the fact that they do n't know why they 're there , they 've just been sent and it 'll be good for you , you know this sort of stuff .
14 ’ Perhaps she 'll be good for us , stir us out of our lazy and apathetic ways . ’
15 She 's fond of me , she 'll be glad for me . ’
16 So , but what I 'm saying is you 've got a twelve here and oh well that would n't make no difference cos she 'll have that back , that 'll be ready for them na yeah well then we got a twelve there as well !
17 After all those politicians , I 'll be ready for it .
18 And we 'll be ready for you . ’
19 I 'll be ready for you next time .
20 ‘ I 'll be ready for you , ’ Rachel said tightly , her eyes hostile as she looked at him through black lashes .
21 So anything that has n't been fired will be may be fired by the end of next week so it 'll be ready for you at the beginning of next term .
22 ‘ Yes , ’ she said , ‘ I 'll be answerable for my father . ’
23 ‘ It 'll be OK for you to go on seeing me there .
24 family , yeah and the children I expect that 'll be interesting for them , cos I quite imagine he would of meet many English children knocking around really , cos the situation is he went
25 yes you can have a look , it 'll be interesting for you
26 There 's a , there 's an Indian drama on B B C two with English subtitles , it 's in Hindi , that 'll be interesting for you .
27 Do you reckon they 'll be alright for their Walkmans ?
28 where 's that , you said there was a book that come this morning that 'll be alright for them
29 That 'll be alright for you .
30 Oh I think that 'll be alright for you .
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