Example sentences of "will be [adv] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It 'll be just the job . ’
2 She 'll be up the pole .
3 I 'll be here every morning in case you decide to come . "
4 ‘ Oh well , if you do n't know , Miss Alice , then it 'll be only a rumour — hearsay . ’
5 It 's so , I mean , wake up Christmas morning and they put a tray out , the first thing they do on , the last thing at night , Christmas Eve they put a big tray out and on the tray they got it 's a called and they 're like chocolate biscuits , they 're like biscuits , right , and that gets with every member of the house , say there 's ten in that house , that that gets lined round the outside of the tray , right , and then inside of that 'll be now a circle of the wine , and then they have like whatever drink they got in the middle and the first thing that happens Christmas Eve morning is they get up and that gets poured and the tray goes round , if you sit down
6 I 'll be down the park .
7 I 'll be , I 'll be out the room .
8 He says they 'll be back every weekend .
9 ‘ T'doctor , ’ said the woman , ‘ he 'll be back the morrow .
10 Er and I 'm quite sure there 'll be quite a bit of change to many of our procedures .
11 If they can really get a hook into this Eismark , a member of the Secretariat and likely to be there for years , it 'll be quite a coup in its very quiet way .
12 ‘ It 'll be quite a step every day from Lulling Woods , ’ went on Nelly , delicately approaching her objective .
13 So it 'll be quite the top Sue .
14 ( Barry Legge ) No , I think it 'll be quite the reverse , at the moment we have a benefits system that stretches right across the spectrum , and there are many people receiving benefits at the moment that do n't really need them .
15 So it 'll be quite an experience .
16 Oh did n't wan na leave home , but anyway she went in and somebody said , oh it 'll be about a week you know my fifth one really .
17 I 'll be about an hour I reckon .
18 And erm so er er if people do that And er this this businessman , this week , he he rang and he he was sending messages via the secretary , instead of getting on the phone to me and and me finding out what there was , he finally he s he said There 'll be about an hour 's work .
19 She 'll be there a couple of minutes before .
20 I knew I was going to Stafford for a few days , but I do n't think , I 'll be there a fortnight .
21 The only exceptions to this rule will be where the circumflex indicates a change of meaning as in jeûne ( fast ) as opposed to jeune ( young ) , or in mûr ( ripe ) as opposed to mur ( wall ) .
22 Equilibrium in the money market will be where the demand for money ( L ) is equal to the supply of money ( M s ) This equilibrium will be achieved through changes in the rate of interest and the exchange rate .
23 More important ideas will be nearer the centre and less important ideas will be near the edge .
24 Call the new directory DUSTBIN — you could use the name TRASH , but DUSTBIN will be nearer the top on an alphabetically sorted directory tree .
25 The quantity of water raised from the lower to the higher level will on the average equal that lowered from the higher to the lower level so that there will be practically no loss of water by lockage and as the vessels transported by the lifts are waterborne the weight of the load carried by the dock is always the same whether the vessel be loaded or not and whether the dock contains a vessel or not .
26 It will be over a quarter of that for the entire EC , more than twice West Germany 's and equivalent to those of France , Belgium , Denmark , Luxembourg , Greece , Ireland and Portugal added together .
27 ‘ My move from accountancy to law will be both a challenge and a change of emphasis ’ said Mr Toghill , ‘ I am aware of the present employment difficulties in the profession .
28 Skilful lobbying has meant that its place has been taken by wrestling on the curious promise that there will be both a men 's and women 's competition in 1994 even though women have never established a real presence in freestyle wrestling as they have in judo .
29 They will be both a force for stability and a force for change in the next Parliament whatever role we play . ’
30 I will be both the tiger in your back garden and the dove of your green jungle ; Griselda under her disguise of ashes and ass 's skin in your back kitchen and the radiant princess who reveals her lineage at your high table .
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