Example sentences of "will turn [adv] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Then looking up towards the ceiling , he added , ‘ I wonder what she 'll turn out to be like , that young 'un ? ’
2 People clearly are interested in what Darwin had to say erm and they mind about whether he was right or not , and I think that many people , I dare say many people in this room , have a wish which they may be conscious of and they may not , sometimes quite a strong wish , that he 'll turn out to be wrong .
3 Past experience suggests that one or two of them will come to rest in the belly of a fox , and of those that survive several , I fear , will turn out to be cockerels .
4 That will turn out to be of huge significance for the action of chapter 4 .
5 In Cambridgeshire , Sir Miles Sandys , an adventurer whose capital had been sorely overstretched by the drainage projects , wrote to his son that if ‘ order not be taken , it will turn out to be a general rebellion in all the Fen towns ’ . ’
6 This was taken by a number of experts as showing that earlier estimates had been purposely conservative and that ultimately there will turn out to be far more oil in the North Sea than currently estimated .
7 And whatever the advance , demonstrations suggest that Zuccarelli 's system , like all previous ‘ dummy head ’ systems , will turn out to be a technically interesting dead end .
8 ‘ We are just hoping that it will turn out to be good news but I am terribly concerned for her . ’
9 You wait , Bowe will turn out to be another Buster Douglas .
10 The jury is out on whether the Government is ushering in a new golden age of private railways or whether , in the words of one of its sworn enemies — Jimmy Knapp , the RMT transport union leader — rail privatisation will turn out to be ‘ the poll tax of the nineties ’
11 Some of your views and characteristics will turn out to be negative .
12 But the scientist can not lay down in advance what the pattern will turn out to be .
13 I think he will turn out to be an artist who is not the happy hedonist of popular reputation .
14 Here is an artist for whom sensuality was extraordinarily important , but who will turn out to be emotionally far more complex than we had previously thought .
15 The debates will turn out to be less clear and clean than they seem in this outline .
16 GILLIAN said you could n't make a general remark and then exclude half the human race , because fifty per cent of the time that someone will turn out to be female .
17 However , I am not able to predict on any particular occasion whether the electron will turn out to be " here " rather than " there " .
18 It is certainly possible that the distinctions between different types of variable drawn by Dressler and Wodak and by Kerswill will turn out to be methodologically important in as much as they yield new insights into the principles underlying patterns of variation and processes of change .
19 Of the remainder , another 25–35% will be too advanced for curative treatment and will turn out to be unresectable if surgery is attempted .
20 It could be the figure will turn out to be the low point of the trend , although if the pound continues to strengthen , that 'll be good news for the government 's control over inflation .
21 It remains to be seen , however , whether its wording will turn out to be adequate to achieve what it has here been suggested is its purpose .
22 ‘ Doing well ’ in such environments will turn out to be equivalent to ‘ collaborating ’ with these other genes .
23 ‘ I feel sure this thing will turn out to be an unfortunate accident …
24 We hope that both questions will be pursued with equal vigour and no doubt they will turn out to be unpredictably related to each other .
25 There are many alternative paths available to follow and many of these paths will turn out to be dead ends .
26 Maybe the age of leisure will turn out to be a brief and unsustainable interlude rather than a new dawn after all .
27 Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that there is no case to be made for taxpayers ' money being used to prop up Boris Yeltsin , who will turn out to be the David Owen of Russia ?
28 Of course I would like tenants to have realistic rent demands and then have successful businesses on the back of them , and I hope that the rent demands will turn out to be realistic in relation to the actual security of tenure offered under the new style of lease and in relation to the business opportunities offered under that style of lease as well .
29 er , my guess is not all of his promises will , will turn out to be realizable .
30 To anticipate , the basis of the resolution of the paradox will turn out to be as follows .
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