Example sentences of "will not [be] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But ‘ photographs of the Soviet Union will not be for sale , ’ he said .
2 At the initiative of President Sir Roger de Grey several leading European artists will be showing their works , although these will not be for sale at the Academy .
3 Their overriding need will not be for advice , but for love and support , and if you provide this you will not fail them .
4 But it will not be under s 11 , TMA 1970 for failure to make a return , but under s 96 for submission of an incorrect return .
5 KUWAIT will not be at peace until Saddam Hussein is removed , ’ says a Kuwaiti army lieutenant .
6 The people who have done this will not be at peace for years to come .
7 Nominations need to stand for at least a week , but MPs will not be at Westminster to vote .
8 You will not be at ease speaking in court if you are conscious of defects in this respect .
9 Furthermore , the auditors can only report on the information which they have been given by the Vendor and if that information is inaccurate ( causing the Accounts to be wrong ) the auditors will not be at fault .
10 Their new gas plants will not be on stream for several years ; they need a secure , well-priced coal contract for a long time to come .
11 Remember the special bargains will not be on offer for very long .
12 This ensures that anyone touching any wiring on the output side of the mains transformer will not be in contact with the mains wiring , and that ( providing the secondary is a low voltage winding ) they can not receive a severe electric shock .
13 The MoD expects to select the new missile design this spring , but the weapon will not be in service until 1986 or 1987 .
14 Peter Harris will not be in court tomorrow when his family make a final attempt to avoid eviction .
15 Middlesbrough councillor Mike J Carr will not be in court .
16 He said : ‘ If Flashman does n't get out , then I have no doubt the club will not be in existence this time next year . ‘
17 I do not want to know what she intends doing in a year 's time or in 10 years ' time , because she will not be in government then .
18 How can I be sure that this year 's cures will not be in disgrace and condemned by the time you read about them ?
19 No the guests will not be in costume , we thought it was unfair that they should make them in costume .
20 This will mean that the waves from the slits will not be in phase with each other when they arrive at the screen : in some places the waves will cancel each other out , and in others they will reinforce each other .
21 But er , your worships to do it by your colleagues until today because er Mr indicate on the application form that er he will not be in fact , operating the bar himself but it would be somebody else .
22 VIRTUALPAGECNT is not a dynamic parameter , so the new value will not be in force until you reboot the system .
23 Neither of these are dynamic parameters , so the new values will not be in force until you reboot the system .
24 I note that the approved structure plan contains a similar sort of approach to York , I E its need is greater than its capacity and the policy in the approved plan recognizes that some of the provision will not be in York itself .
25 In this case the seller will not be in breach of the terms implied by section 12 provided that before the contract was made he disclosed to the buyer the existence of the lien .
26 However , if he has disclosed that fact so as to indicate that he is transferring to the purchaser only his own possessory title , then he will not be in breach of the condition , section 12(3) .
27 ( b ) Notwithstanding paragraphs ( 2 ) and ( 5 ) ( a ) of this rule , a registered foreign lawyer will not be in breach of these rules by virtue of setting up , operating , actively participating in or controlling a business outside England and Wales , provided :
28 The short-term view within the meat industry is that there is no chance of prices falling until cattle are freely available off grass , which will not be until August-September .
29 Of course , like the sentences about the knight , the dragon , and the pineapple , they might form part of a discourse , and if we stretch our imaginations we could come up with a situation in which they do ; but this will not be by virtue of the words so and she , but because of some other information about the context .
30 wo n't be at work tomorrow .
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