Example sentences of "will be [verb] [conj] in " in BNC.

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1 I was watching the ice hockey on here last night , last night , the and Czechoslovakia one and a Canadian guy scored a goal and the announcer said they 'll be celebrating that in his home in Canada if they 're watching , listen I bet they are !
2 So the owner/manager will be trained and in turn will train a succession of staff .
3 For instance , using only components of the quartal chord D , G , C , F , we can move as follows , by abandoning the strict use of fourths without transposition , and using the notes in different groupings and in different registers : In spite of the abandoning of strict usages of harmony in fourths , it will be felt that in the above example the same harmonic mood persists throughout .
4 From studying Figures 6.5 and 6.6 it will be seen that in hospital there are many potential danger points for contamination by direct contact , for example with infected articles or with hands which have been inadequately washed or not washed at all after dealing with contaminated discharges or materials .
5 It will be seen that in each country this economically active group is about half the total population .
6 It will be noted that in these remarks we have given to " English " a very wide significance .
7 It will be noted that in the passage cited from The Eurymedon , above , p. 229 , the Privy Council regarded the promise to perform the existing agreement as consideration and that Lord Scarman made no distinction between the performance of , and the promise to perform , the existing obligation .
8 Tonight we are entitled to ask how many more times those forecasts will be revised and in which direction .
9 Mr Atkins promises that landing charges will be regulated as in Britain , and this — plus competition from the City Airport — should prevent the new owners imposing exorbitant increases on the already hard-pressed airlines .
10 They must be correct down to the last detail , in the interests of those who will be affected and in the interests of the project .
11 It will be recalled that in the first stage of the distribution of seats in the WGMS any pasty failing to win either 5% of the list votes or three constituency seats is excluded .
12 It will be noticed that in all of this the term " correlate " is being used in a way consistent with our previous uses of " event " , " cause " , " condition " , " causal circumstance " , and " effect " : not for a type of thing , but for a thing itself , more particularly an individual property or set of such properties rather than a type .
13 Other devices are less consistently adopted , but it will be noticed that in ( 2 ) , as often , the non-restrictive clause is set off from the rest of the sentence by commas .
14 In the former case D18 will be lit and in the latter case it will be extinguished .
15 It will be observed that in this approach we have not used cs ( which we have already found ) ; its introduction would spoil the simplicity of ( 2 ) .
16 It will be observed that in those cases there was no statutory period after cessation of trade during which jurisdiction continued , and the court was therefore faced with a stark choice between saying that the jurisdiction ceased immediately active trade was suspended , or saying that it continued until the business had actually been wound up by payment of the debts .
17 It will be observed that in Lee v. Butler the goods were not to become the buyer 's property until he had paid all the money .
18 As that work comes to er fruition , the staff target will be drafted and in fact work is already begun on that , erm but because the reconnaissance capability wo n't be required until fairly late in the replacement programme then there is no particular hurry to get on with the work .
19 School students will stay on in the few settlements that will be left and in schools in Cuba , West Africa and other countries .
20 Tickets will be sold as in previous years with not more than two tickets per person .
21 Domestic rates will be abolished and in their place local authorities will levy a poll tax .
22 As this will lead to slow retrieval of added records , more frequent reorganization will be required than in any other case .
23 In the meantime the discussion will largely remain within the shareholder-centred conception of business enterprise , and during the course of the next seven chapters it will be considered whether in practice the mechanisms of shareholder control , particularly against a background of widely dispersed holdings , are adequate to promote satisfactory levels of corporate efficiency .
24 But it will be remembered that in Anselm 's system only justice makes free , and in this case , justice meant giving Canterbury an archbishop .
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