Example sentences of "will [vb infin] [adv] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 COSE Japan says it will make public the specifications for Japanese-language processing functions necessary for their domestic market .
2 COSE Japan says it will make public the specifications for Japanese-language processing functions necessary for their domestic market .
3 Having completed this basic indoctrination , the budding smallholder will know better the joys and frustrations , the rewards and risks , the freedom and the discipline that make up farming .
4 We will establish a new Environment Agency which will bring together the functions of the National Rivers Authority , Her Majesty 's Inspectorate of Pollution and the waste regulation functions of local authorities .
5 The forum will bring together the women who have organised women 's workshops throughout the region , in Hong Kong , India , Indonesia , the Philippines , Sri Lanka , Korea , Malaysia and Thailand .
6 They will welcome enormously the steps forward that have been made in the signing of the new declaration on racism and xenophobia , especially the penultimate paragraph , which states : ’ The European Council asks Ministers and the Commission to increase their effort to combat discrimination and xenophobia , and to strengthen the legal protection for third country nationals ’ .
7 STUDENT leaders are to campaign against Government proposals expected today which will curb drastically the powers and public funding of student associations .
8 And we will dance away the hearts of men .
9 Use instead a bowstring of rhinoceros hide , for it will snap asunder the bowstrings of all other bows to which the sound reaches whether these are made of the hide of wild ox , the horse , or even the flanks of a young nilgai .
10 The probable evolution of Hurst Castle Spit is shown in Fig. 8.26 , from which it can be seen that , with the wearing back of the coast from A to C , the spit will occupy successively the positions AA' , BB' and CC' , the last being its present position , in which it preserves the recurved ends of former stages .
11 Answer : when it is called Microsoft Windows/NT Advanced Server — Microsoft Corp says that it has invoked the name change so as not to confuse customers since a lot of the functions of the OS/2-based LAN Manager which we know and love are already incorporated into the base operating system and Advanced Server will provide only the extras such as multi-domain management ; coincidentally of course , Microsoft will avoid discouraging any users that were n't particularly enamoured of LAN Manager 's original incarnation .
12 Answer : when it is called Microsoft Windows/NT Advanced Server — Microsoft Corp says that it has invoked the name change so as not to confuse customers since a lot of the functions of the OS/2-based LAN Manager which we know and love are already incorporated into the base operating system and Advanced Server will provide only the extras such as multi-domain management ; coincidentally of course , Microsoft will avoid discouraging any users that were n't particularly enamoured of LAN Manager 's original incarnation .
13 It will work primarily the quads ( front of thigh ) and glutes ( buttocks ) as well as improving aerobic capacity ( stamina ) .
14 The TA there is well recruited , but there are other opportunities for people to serve in Northern Ireland , and I hope that they will use elsewhere the skills that they have acquired in the TA .
15 The conclusion will draw together the advantages of rational planning and provide a ‘ checklist ’ for effective planning .
16 They will take only the adults , which are shot .
17 It will name only the victims , not their torturers .
18 But for the duration of his stay aboard this vessel , you will pay only the respects due to the lieutenant 's Navy rank . ’
19 They make such excellent roomy holes that often other animals , lacking the tools for carpentry but otherwise of a powerful disposition , such as owls and squirrels , will drive away the woodpeckers and claim the holes for themselves .
20 She will travel to Luxembourg for the parliament on March 30 and 31 where she will put forward the views and concerns of local pensioners .
21 With permission , I will put together the Questions on the statutory instruments .
22 The project will investigate formally the gains that result from coordinated policies on CO2 emissions , as against unilateral policies , and suggest how international agreements on CO2 emissions may be designed so as to ensure they are sustainable .
23 This form will require only the services of the New OED Computer Group .
24 This form will require only the services of the New OED Computer Group .
25 This form will require only the services of the New OED Computer Group .
26 The form will require only the services of the New OED Computer Group .
27 ‘ I must stress that the involvement of armed forces , the police and the voluntary services will cease once the trades unions agree , as they did two weeks ago , to provide normal accident and emergency service ’ .
28 Selection committees have tended to be influenced by an applicant 's knowledge of the constituency , his or her stature and delivery of speech , and whether there are the makings of a good " constituency member " ( one who will represent diligently the interests of constituents ) or , in some cases , of a national figure .
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