Example sentences of "will [verb] for [adj] years " in BNC.

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1 Remaining stocks ( in electrical equipment , mostly ) are being burned , but traces will remain for many years .
2 I have not met many Scottish people who wish to be left exposed to the nuclear blackmail that could come from the huge nuclear arsenal which will remain for many years on the continent and in Russia .
3 The following aspects of policy are insufficiently studied and will remain for some years central preoccupations of the Group :
4 Clive Exon who adapted Poirot for television and also scripted the current play believes Christie 's work will survive for many years to come .
5 In theory , most essential oils ( except orange , lemon , grapefruit and lime ) will keep for several years .
6 The contract , worth an estimated £150 million , will run for five years on the Magnus , Thistle and Miller platforms .
7 The amount of work required to obtain this information may be inferred from knowing that this project will run for 9 years and cost 100 million US dollars .
8 This argument will run for some years .
9 These fractions are based on the idea that you will work for 40 years , and therefore end up with either half , or two-thirds , of your earnings at retirement .
10 ‘ I 'm told that an olive tree ’ , says Mr Pattea wonderingly , ‘ will produce for 400 years . ’
11 The fences will stand for 20 years and be removed when the task is done .
12 Stanley will serve for two years and we all wish him well .
13 Vast collection of material will tour for two years
14 Under the scheme , which will operate for four years , the Commission will have the sole authority to investigate and — where it deems fit — veto mergers involving transnational companies with a combined turnover of more than £3.5billion a year .
15 There is Jonas to support also , and in the way of nature he will live for many years .
16 Life Span : Given good conditions a goldfish will live for 10–20 years .
17 If looked after correctly , and given suitable conditions both goldfish and Orfe will live for 10–20 years in a garden pond .
18 The pension contribution will continue for many years .
19 The pension contribution will continue for many years .
20 Only one thing is certain : the search will continue for many years to come .
21 The process of completion and deepening of this Community will continue for many years into the future .
22 Although production will continue for many years yet , I feel it is time to record what historical production data is available before records are lost and memories fade .
23 All they now have is a limited reassurance from the Independent Television Commission that broadcasts will continue for two years .
24 Monitoring will continue for two years after implementation , with lessons learned used to produce guidelines for local authorities to extend their accident reduction programmes .
25 Similarly the pensions holiday will continue for several years .
26 The agreement to increase wages in eastern Germany by 18% ( see page 80 ) seems likely to ensure that the high cost will continue for several years .
27 The most effective way of combatting river blindness until fairly recently was by spraying the breeding grounds with insecticide , a process which will continue for several years yet .
28 The normal period of copyright will apply except for the right to prevent unfair extraction which will last for 10 years .
29 Agreements made between individual farmers and the Commission will last for 10 years , to be reviewed every three .
30 ‘ My training will last for two years .
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