Example sentences of "will [verb] give [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 Thus prima facie the words of exclusion clauses will be given their literal meaning ; the court will strive to give effect to the words used , and , where lists are used , the drafter must bear in mind the rules expressio unius est exclusio alterius and that general words in a list will be interpreted ejusdem generis with the specific words .
2 Sometimes it can be shown that the tissue not only looks homogeneous , but actually is so , because , if the tissue is cut in half , each half will regulate to give rise to the same pattern as would otherwise have been produced by the whole .
3 In the end they will have to give way to a Government who will not work in that way .
4 Shareholders will have to give approval to any defence measures taken before the takeover bid , ensuring that they decide on any defence measures only with full knowledge of the conditions of the bid .
5 The greater likelihood is that , when you suggest a practical stand-back of the ‘ Shall we go to the pub ? ’ variety , you will have given voice to what a lot of other people have been thinking .
6 And so one species will have given rise to another .
7 No doubt it will have given satisfaction to the chairman of BR and his chief executive as they sit , to quote your article , ‘ in their new headquarters building next to Euston Station … ( feeling ) … confident about the future in a way few other British executives might , notwithstanding the recession ’ and waiting it would seem , either for rescue in the form of ‘ more generous ’ support for rail from the present government ( ‘ always mindful that its majority is dependent of MPs representing the London commuter belt ’ ) or , conversely , a doubled grant from a future Labour administration .
8 As a result , Chairman Roger Annan has resigned although he will continue to give assistance to the Executive on special projects .
9 Trained and experienced social works will continue to give priority to children at risk .
10 GDA will continue to give priority to projects which stimulate tourism and leisure , service industries , retailing in regeneration areas , higher education , culture and heritage .
11 Thus sometimes a trader will agree to give credit to a minor providing an adult ( usually a parent ) signs a document guaranteeing the minor 's debt .
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