Example sentences of "which may be [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 The answers to these questions will give a range of data which may be examined in relation to the literary effect of each passage .
2 However , even in this context ( in the same way as in the case of joint-stock companies ) it must be borne in mind that a share certificate in Hungary ( like in many continental countries ) is not just a certificate of membership in a limited company but a marketable security , property which may be transferred in case of bearer shares by delivery and by endorsement in case of registered shares .
3 There is , first , the relationship between rich and poor nations , which may be conceived in terms of neo-imperialism and dependency ( but in that case imperialism has to be seen in a wider perspective than that which treats it exclusively as a stage in the development of capitalism , important though this latter process is ) , or in terms of the current preoccupation with a ‘ North-South dialogue ’ , which is today more a confrontation than a dialogue .
4 In vitro fertilisation is only the first of a long line of reproductive technologies which may be developed in the future .
5 Plants from the Physic Garden were copied by the gifted collage artist , Mrs Delaney , and fourteen were faithfully reproduced in her delicate paper mosaic work , some of which may be seen in the British Museum today .
6 Hawkshead Church has nearly 200 documents confirming this , one of which may be seen in the Church .
7 It was he who , in 1344 , the year in which Prague became an archbishopric , laid the foundation stone on the site of a Romanesque basilica , the remains of which may be seen in the crypt .
8 The earliest inhabitants of the area some 4000 years ago , however , left traces of their presence in the form of tools like stone axes , many of which may be seen in the Armagh County Museum .
9 Exx.1-3 show the three different textures that appear in the scores for this ballet : ex.1 solo voice and bass line ( this is the opening vocal air of the ballet , the full text of which may be seen in illus.l ) ; ex.2 an instrumental trio , with two treble instruments and bass ( the ritournelle that follows the vocal air ) ; ex.3 a five-part instrumental texture , each line notated in a different clef ( the first entrée ) .
10 The question of the exclusivity of Community competence is of particular difficulty with regard to two concepts derived from the case law of the European Court : the concept that the existence of Community legislation on a matter excludes national legislation on the same matter , which may be illustrated in the context of the free movement of goods , and the concept that the duty of the Community to act in a particular matter from a particular date may exclude the possibility of Member States acting in that area from that date , which may particularly be illustrated in the context of external competence .
11 Each point made must be supported by fact and in turn generates more questions which may be answered in that paragraph .
12 For Dworkin 's rights thesis is put forward in the context of an institutional environment which operates a clear division of labour between courts and other institutions in terms of the kind of argument which may be deployed in each ( Brownsword and Harden , 1981 ) .
13 Suspended sentence — activation — whether activation of a suspended sentence is subject to restrictions on the maximum aggregate term of imprisonment which may be imposed in particular circumstances
14 The brush is handy for vacuuming stubborn dust and dirt which may be lodged in a carpet and the crevice tool will reach into awkward corners such as under kitchen units , although it is n't long enough to reach to the very back .
15 What I am putting before the House are serious considerations about the balance between the rights of individuals , which may be damaged in the course of a case but where the record can subsequently be put straight , the rights of those who are before the courts , accused , to deploy their defence , and the rights of the public at large to scrutinise that process .
16 We are left with n — s rows which may be written in partitioned matrix form as unc where A1 is a non-singular submatrix of A of order ( n — s ) ( some reordering of the elements of x may be necessary to obtain the non-singular minor ) , unc is of the order unc and c is the reduced vector b ; x has been partitioned conformably into n — s elements ( y ) and s elements ( z ) .
17 The tenth edition of the Kalendar in 1754 , contained a write-tip of the sixth edition of the Dictionary ( 1752 ) and on its title page was notice of the fact that it had been ‘ adapted to the new style , with a list of medicinal plants which may be gathered in each month for use ’ .
18 Although there is a very wide range of coldwater fish which may be kept in a garden pond the majority of pondkeepers choose Orfe or some of the many varieties of goldfish .
19 Another was the suicide of Brennus after his retreat from Delphi , which may be represented in a famous bronze of the museum of Naples .
20 We would like to advise readers that certain items of radio transmitting and telephone equipment which may be advertised in our pages can not be legally used in the U.K. Readers should check the law before using any transmitting or telephone equipment as a fine , confiscation of equipment and/or imprisonment can result from illegal use .
21 We would like to advise readers that certain items of radio transmitting and telephone equipment which may be advertised in our pages can not be legally used in the U.K. Readers should check the law before using any transmitting or telephone equipment as a fine , confiscation of equipment and/or imprisonment can result from illegal use .
22 Further procedures which may be undertaken in cases where more detailed information is needed or where it is suspected that there may be serious problems with vision include the visually evaluated response ( VER ) and the electroretinogram ( ERG ) .
23 Lists Terms often contain lists : for instance , of rights which may be exercised in certain situations , or of facilities to be provided .
24 Details of conditions of service applicable to civil servants are to be found in Civil Service Pay and Conditions of Service Code , a copy of which may be consulted in the Department of Administration .
25 Details of conditions of service applicable to staff of the National Library Or Scotland are to be found in the Civil Service Pay and Conditions of Service Code , a copy of which may be consulted in the Department of Administration .
26 Such kinds of nationalism , which may be strengthened in some cases by the dominance of a particular religion , are not , in their most intense form , generally conducive to the development of a liberal democratic society , as may be seen from certain current trends in Eastern Europe .
27 The three abortion cases , which may be reached in December , are unlikely to lead to a clean reversal of Roe v Wade , the 1973 Supreme Court ruling which granted an absolute right to abortion in the first three months of pregnancy and an almost unrestricted right in the next three .
28 Providing there is an interior solution for intergenerational transfers ( which may be made in either direction ) , the general equilibrium of the economy is unaffected by tax and debt policy .
29 After taking up the post , the professor will become eligible for consideration , in reviews which will take place from time to time , for one of a small number of additional awards which may be made in recognition of outstanding academic distinction and/or contribution to the academic work of the University ( e.g. in leadership in , or in the development of , some field of study ) .
30 Section 38 deals with interim orders which may be made in care proceedings .
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