Example sentences of "which can [adv] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It is quite reasonable to make this identification : in practice , a process which can either behave correctly or diverge will probably do the former while it is being tested , but will do the latter when it is being used in earnest .
2 On many islands , though , the lists of species are enhanced by mobile visitors , which can also live elsewhere ; the Galapagos Islands , for example , in the Eastern Pacific , have one kind of penguin that lives nowhere else , but also have three kinds of boobie bird , plus frigate and tropic birds and brown pelicans , which live throughout the warm oceans .
3 This is the reason for the ungrammaticality of : ( 40 ) the only book missing readable is Twyford 's Lives of the Slovak Saints By contrast , the examples of ( 41 ) are fully acceptable : ( 41 ) the only readable book missing is the one I told you about the only missing book readable is the one already mentioned The same contrast is seen in ( 42 ) beside the two cases of ( 43 ) which are both grammatically acceptable ( although not of course quite identical in meaning ) : ( 42 ) *one journalist striking accessible is Jana Flynn ( 43 ) one striking journalist accessible is Jana Flynn one accessible journalist striking is Jana Flynn The restriction is general , applying even if the particular adjectives concerned are ones which can normally appear postnominally .
4 It is a composite concept , an agglomeration of feelings which are not pleasant and are seen as an emotional state which can not continue indefinitely but from which one eventually requires temporary or permanent respite in order to restore health and calm .
5 He also said that they ’ clog up the asylum procedures which can not function normally any longer .
6 The Strathclyde university report stated : ’ The idea of a mature tobacco market ’ — that means a market which can not expand any further ’ can not be supported the key group for the tobacco industry is young smokers .
7 The Government is , moreover , committed to markets , which can not work well without reliable information , and are severely damaged by misleading data .
8 He uses the metaphor of the commercial viability of two watchmakers , one of whom puts watches together out of finished sub-assemblies which can not fall apart , and another who assembles each watch from its basic parts and risks the whole thing falling to pieces if dropped .
9 The seller can take only 50 from the margin account , which can not fall below 150 , the maintenance margin level ; the other 50 comes in the form of a variation margin payment .
10 Top teams traditionally stay away from the gruelling west African rally , making it an irresistible attraction for those teams which can not win elsewhere .
11 This frequently leads to over growth by the strongest weeds , which can quickly choke less robust plants .
12 So a fourth reason for planting new churches is that a young and vibrant expression of church life is encouraged which can often grow faster than the older churches .
13 Note that prodder-armed Goblins can fight from a rear rank even if they have moved — unlike spears which can only do so when stationary ( see the Warhammer rulebook ) .
14 For the trio to collect two gold medals and one silver was an unprecedented Scottish haul on the world stage which can only augur well for the highlight of this year 's outdoor season — the World Athletics Championships in Stuttgart .
15 The slime reduces the drag experienced by the fish swimming behind , which can consequently swim faster .
16 Contraction leads to a compression of the magnetic field which can then attain very high values ( ) .
17 One important signalling cascade involves ras , raf 1 and MAP2 kinase , which can then activate both S6 kinase and DNA synthesis-promoting factor ( SPF ) .
18 As the driving weight causes the drum to rotate , the mercury is raised until it counter-balances the weight , which can then fall slowly as the mercury flows through the dividing walls .
19 The surgery is the only one in Northern Ireland with a revolutionary new ruby laser which can permanently blast away a tattoo with no risk of scarring .
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