Example sentences of "which had [verb] to be " in BNC.

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1 There is a dispute among historians about whether the Napoleonic episode , with its creation of an Italian state by name , was a benefit or a hindrance to the Italian nationalism which had begun to be voiced along with the cries of Viva Verdi .
2 Since childhood , since her early school days , New Year 's Eve had possessed for her a mournful terror : she had elected it to represent the Nothingness which was her own life , the solid , cheerful festival which had seemed to be the lives of others .
3 By the evening of I5 May the immediate emergency which had seemed to be threatening 5 Corps with the approach of an estimated 600,000 Germans and Croats from the south was over .
4 The blue should have reminded her of his flaming , instead of entrancing her by its own beauty , the beauty which had seemed to be utter and complete in itself .
5 Chevrolet pick-up with two-wheel drive , painted a mixture of pink and light green , which had proved to be the best camouflage .
6 Indeed , it was the ‘ anti-social ’ focus of the obscenity test which had proved to be its singular virtue , since when juries drew the line , they did so on grounds of morals , not manners .
7 The initiative is based on a Scottish scheme which had proved to be highly successful in pre= serving buildings of interest .
8 He believed that he would have to give up a career to which he was deeply committed and which had promised to be highly successful .
9 These wider mills were thus squarer than their predecessors which had tended to be long and narrow .
10 Singh 's silence prompted Indian newspapers , which had tended to be very supportive of the Prime Minister , to publish some highly critical articles .
11 Its essential features had few clear and unqualified expressions , but it was a civilization which had come to be distinguished from others by the emphasis it placed on the individual , by its increasing separation of social and political institutions , by its material wellbeing , and by its growing rationality .
12 This latter was in fact the fee farm of the borough , which had come to be permanently assigned to the earls of Salisbury , whose titles and possessions had been conferred on Margaret Pole , daughter of the duke of Clarence .
13 The high moral principle , to use his own phrase , of mid-Victorian muscular Christianity , may well have seemed to the agnosticism of early twentieth-century scientific certainty an insubstantial basis for the development of Co-operation ; and , as a derivative from the French , from the advocacy by Louis Blanc and Buchez of self-governing Producers ' Associations formed by workmen and operating through ‘ National Workshops ’ , the concept was not only at odds with but alien to that of the British Movement which had come to be dominated by the Consumer Movement .
14 This further sharp decline in profitability , following on that of earlier years , and taking profits to levels well below those which had come to be expected during the boom , is the key to the sustained sluggishness of accumulation in the latter half of the 1970s and the early 1980s .
15 An attempt was made to preserve a sense of the large , formerly unitary space of the mill 's second storey which had had to be subdivided to create the dining- and food preparation rooms , by ‘ unifying ’ the stair hall and dining-room through very large sliding doors which formed the end panels of the dining-room rear wall .
16 ( 18 January 1775 ) The Mozarts eventually left Munich and arrived back in Salzburg on 7 March 1775 , Mozart 's opera having been performed only three times ( the last of which had had to be cut as the seconda donna was ill ) .
17 Jean Parmiter apologised on behalf of the Training Committee for the number of changes which had had to be made in the advertised programmes for the training days in 1981–82 .
18 All of which had had to be bottled up during a frustrating day .
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