Example sentences of "which they [vb base] [adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 These people , one of whom was a whiskered old man , carried guns which they let off frequently , rode horses at terrifying speeds across an arid landscape similar to the one I played in each day , while breathless crashing music and a small dog pursued everyone everywhere they went .
2 The shops which they visit most frequently are likely to be within about a mile of their home .
3 There may be some districts that have er areas of countryside which are outside the non- designated areas which they regard as particularly important as erm the gentleman from Selby has said , er and the we have suggested that er there might be a criteria in the policy that allows the quality of the countryside affected by development to be a consideration .
4 Constitutional authorities are critical of the established constitution precisely because it has somehow allowed , and not limited , the emergence of the pattern of party politics and state intervention which they regard as so disastrous for Britain and her economy .
5 Forest Goblins even eat certain species of spiders which they regard as especially succulent and superior to any other kind of flesh .
6 They are shy and distrustful , nesting deep inside burrows which they dig out either under the tussac ‘ stools ’ or in open turf .
7 Countries like Britain , which might benefit from different allocations of the budget to which they contribute so disproportionately , are thus penalised both positively and negatively .
8 Apparently the Chinese are used to living with little heating indoors & we now understand why they wrap themselves up so well , with padded trousers and jackets , as well as caps or enormous fur hats , which they keep on even indoors during the classes .
9 Compiling and using a press list Many organizations have press lists , which they keep as closely guarded secrets .
10 It is one of the many ironies in our provision for old people that we offer the fit elderly cheap transport ( which they take up enthusiastically to visit their relatives ) but make no provision to enable the relatives of the frail housebound to visit them .
11 So a Pacific as defined by such minds might fall within the appropriate longitudes and latitudes , but it would be riddled with holes , a discontinuous mess , a collection of unconnected pieces of sea and land established principally to prove an argument about an entity of which they make up only a fraction .
12 It will also raise a few problems for sportsmen and sportswomen who are training or competing in a new time zone to which they have not yet adjusted .
13 Legislation , however , is a dangerous invention : ‘ It gave into the hands of men an instrument of great power which they needed to achieve some good , but which they have not yet learned so to control that it may not produce great evil ’ .
14 These might include : a ) providing encouragement and support for young women and ethnic minority students to try for jobs they have not traditionally applied for ; b ) provision by employers of Work Experience placements to schools from which they have not previously recruited ; c ) reducing sex-stereotyping in Work Experience ; d ) enriching the curriculum in science and technology subjects in ways which will make them more attractive to young women ; e ) improving education and training opportunities for young people with disabilities .
15 The asking of that question in 1962 brought problems about teaching and the curriculum into a sharper national focus , and into a context of Government and politics from which they have never since been dislodged .
16 Not uncommonly , indeed , they will speak of things which they have never before told anyone .
17 On the other hand it appears that on occasions drivers may have no memory at all for road signs which they have just seen or for relatively complex manoeuvres which they have only just performed .
18 Similarly , the Soviets plan to supplement the Caterpillar and Komatsu side-boom pipelayers on which they have so far relied , with a new machine that the Sterlitamak works in the Urals will make .
19 They ignore ambiguities in their own writing , and in their interview material , which they treat as unproblematically quotable .
20 They have been found deficient in their prescriptive capacity rather than in their analysis of the social structure of organizations ( of which they say very little ) .
21 But these arguments rest on a belief in a general vocational potential for something like ‘ good mothering ’ , which they see as fundamentally a property of individuals .
22 Erm , what are the ways , do you think , in which a scientist sees things differently from a poet or an artist , and are there ways in which they think alike How does a scientist see things differently from , either a poet or an artist .
23 After all , the medicine which led the pollsters and the Opposition down also happens to be the medicine on which they rely so heavily themselves .
24 We know that both strategies are favoured when rare , therefore there must be some proportion at which they do equally well .
25 I think the interest that people have in those areas show that there is that hunger for a deep personal kind of faith , which they do n't usually find when they worship in the churches .
26 I 'm sure that 's why so many people compromise and end up in relationships which they do n't really want to be in .
27 All interested staff are thus exposed to the result of each major study , and get a chance to query or challenge on points which they do not immediately accept .
28 It would not be difficult to conduct an informal interview with almost anyone , asking them for criticisms of the national health service , the police or the railways , all three of which confer great benefit on the population , for which they do not always receive much credit .
29 They have enjoyed a vogue in recent years which they do not always merit and they now seem to be losing some of their popularity .
30 That is the purpose of the peace conference in The Hague , which they frequently attend and where they issue declarations and undertakings which they do not always respect when they get home .
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