Example sentences of "which they [verb] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 George and Marie agreed that George should take most of the responsibility for the Brasserie , which they felt needed his talent for hospitality to build up a clientele , as well as his ability to train staff and foster good employee relations .
2 So there 's no water shortage as such , sometimes you get the water problems when you get out in the sticks somewhere you 'll , you , you do have problems , but all fire officers are trained to search their areas and have special cards er which they 've done their research on , where the water supplies are , like ponds and lakes and so on , and that information is readily available when they turn out these areas so that a fire crew going out there , your nearest water supply is a pond at and certain area and they 've got that you see .
3 I I simply , I simply want er er a direct message from from the programme which is going on Chairman incidentally I I note that Nottinghamshire County Council erm has found a a and the Labour group there has found it necessary to tackle just the same problems erm in elderly persons homes and that I understand that they have a a closure list of seven , now presumably that has been drawn up from a long list of a lot more than seven , say fourteen or fifteen from which they 've made their final choice .
4 Can I say first of all that er I support the general approach which has been adopted by Yorkshire County Council and the the other local authorities in the Greater York area , on the way in which they 've formulated their proposals for the York greenbelt after a fairly long erm and exhausting process , the question to which I want to address my comments first of all is whether the new settlement is an appropriate and justified planning response , and what I would like to do if I may is look at some of the reasons that have been raised erm in objection to the new settlement as a strategy , erm these issues have been raised by Hambledon District , York City Council , the C P R E , Montague Evans , in their written submissions to the examination of the .
5 or which is one which they 've done in there , is take a specific dream which they 've had which is vivid to them
6 Coelenterates have stinging cells which they use to paralyse their prey .
7 What is particularly interesting is the similarity in the method which they use to justify their principles .
8 On the island , sensible scientists carry rolls of sticky tape — ‘ gaffer tape ’ — which they use to seal their boots to their trousers , their trousers to their shirts , and anywhere else they think ticks can get in . ’
9 Sea anemones possess stinging cells in their tentacles , which they use to protect themselves and to capture food .
10 This interest drove me to inquire in depth into the experiences and feelings of individuals and to try and identify the processes by which they came to define themselves and other people under one set of categories rather than another .
11 There was something corrupt about the extent to which the British in Northern Nigeria cared about the loyalty of their subjects , and the lengths to which they went to cultivate what could in the end only be an illusion of mutual respect .
12 THE families and lawyer of three men convicted of killing newsboy Carl Bridgewater yesterday handed in ‘ new evidence ’ to Home Secretary Michael Howard which they said proved their innocence .
13 But the stage at which they come to believe there is no way in which they can achieve the aim is the stage at which you need to re-examine the objective that the business has been set .
14 The families of three men convicted of killing the the newspaper boy , Carl Bridgewater , have handed evidence to the Home Secretary which they claim proves their innocence .
15 They want control , Hal , and the House is the means through which they seek to get it . ’
16 De-realization is used to suggest that economic and other ‘ scientific ’ models are no more real ( nor even more accurate ) than the fictions and oracular pronouncements from which they seek to distinguish themselves .
17 Salvadorean women can not begin the practical experiment by which they hope to change their lives — now largely a theoretical debate — until the country 's right to self-determination is respected .
18 The result is that little attention is given to people 's own experience and understandings of these processes and the fact that such understandings in turn lead to ways in which they attempt to improve their circumstances within the constraints and opportunities with which they are faced .
19 In this situation , abject apologies in some respects remain complicit with the patronizing attitudes from which they attempt to disassociate themselves .
20 Poor people do n't want a millionaire among them reminding them of some way in which they failed to make it .
21 A striking one came in 1760 when , at the marriage of the Princess of Brazil , the daughter of King Joseph I , the masterful Portuguese chief minister , the marques de Pombal , announced that though the papal nuncio and the imperial ambassador would take precedence over all other foreign envoys this would be governed so far as the rest of them were concerned simply by the dates on which they had presented their credentials .
22 Recovery took 1802 – 3 wages back to that level , but then a fall took them down 10 per cent by 1808 – 9 , before they recovered this in 1810 – 11 then fell back somewhat to end the war years perhaps 5 to 8 per cent above the level at which they had begun it .
23 Nevertheless mortality had begun to fall in most Western countries only slightly later than in Britain , almost irrespective of the degree to which they had industrialized their economies , and with a similar diminution of particular causes of death ( Preston 1975 , 1976 ) .
24 The team 's ball-item ( ‘ Sugar and Spice ’ ) would be the one in which they had to deposit their balls at the back of the stage , jump , turn and move downstage .
25 Stephen had gone out first , scrambling up the shaft , putting all his weight this time on the rope and wondering what would happen , whether they would ever be found alive , if the rope came unfastened from the spur of rock to which they had tied it .
26 Any attempt to prove that they were misled by fraud or otherwise would necessarily involve an inquiry into the manner in which they had performed their functions in dealing with the Bill which became the British Railways Act 1968 .
27 The form in which they had found him lying was but one of many places which he used .
28 It was as if the train journey itself , the old-fashioned intimate compartment in which they had found themselves , the freedom from interruptions and the tyranny of the telephone , the sense of time visibly flying , annihilated under the pounding wheels , not to be accounted for , had released both of them from a carefulness which had become so much a part of living that they were no longer aware of its weight until they let it slip from their shoulders .
29 They were also asked to describe the major characteristics of the groups in which they had found themselves at each point in their time on the terraces .
30 Benches were wiped , floors were swept , and within a short time Ling 's kitchen had been restored to the pristine condition in which they had found it .
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