Example sentences of "which he could [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Only a small amount of money could be taken out of the country because of post-war restrictions and , as this was a personal rather than a business trip , he was forced to prepare lectures from which he could earn income while he was away .
2 It was a lens through which he could view life , literature , and history , often with mischievous irony .
3 Without this , one can not begin to grasp the size and complexity of Charles ' achievements — such as the uncanny speed with which he could move troops across great distances .
4 Even granting the absurdity of Hitler 's racialist theories , it would be possible to credit him with realistic goals ( to exploit a political scapegoat , to depopulate Eastern Europe for resettlement ) for which he could massacre Jews and Slavs in as full awareness as theirs when they flee or fight .
5 He found in its nature the means by which he could impart freshness , immediacy , spontaneity , imagination to his own vision as a writer .
6 He went on to say that there was nothing at all from the last decade for which he could give Mrs Thatcher credit .
7 Sixty years later , in a yet more striking case , the newly arrived Russian ambassador to Denmark , finding that the king , Christian V , was in bed and too ill to receive him , insisted on having another bed provided on which he could lie side by side with the king so that they could talk .
8 It was not a place to which he could take Maureen MacQuillan or any woman , and only partly because he shared it with a fellow MP .
9 Nor would it be possible to refer him to any works of literature ( before the present one ) from which he could gain enlightenment .
10 If only he could come across a barn in which he could seek refuge from the full force of the gale … but visibility was limited to a few strides .
11 But there were never any open words expressing the inflection , never anything to which he could raise objection .
12 He knew that he still had certain assets on which he could raise cash .
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