Example sentences of "which has [adv] [vb pp] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Extremely generous and dutiful , Winifred Holtby sacrificed much of her time and energy to her friends and family ( she later likened her life to ‘ a clear stream which has simply reflected other people 's stories and problems ’ ) .
2 The Keyhole KH-11 I , which has vastly improved visual sensors , is said to have the ability to see objects only six inches long on the ground and to be able to read number plates on cars driving along Russian streets or identify one mullah from another in Iran by measuring the size of their beards .
3 She attended an excellent direct-grant grammar school ( which has since gone independent , much to Robyn 's disgust ) where she was Head Girl and Captain of Games and which she left with four A grades at A-Level .
4 The project will examine the long term retention of knowledge that was originally acquired from formal education and which has since lain dormant .
5 There is no space here to examine this issue in detail , but it is at least a little odd that the work of such pragmatic theorists as Grice , Horn , Levinson and Sperber and Wilson , which has been successful in many areas and which has also cast serious doubt on speech-act-based approaches , is never mentioned in a book which explicitly claims the superiority of Austinian approaches .
6 The Sleepwalkers must be unrivalled as a scholarly history which has also aroused life-long interest in science among many youngsters .
7 Zambia returned to the IMF fold in early 1990 on the basis of an agreed economic restructuring programme and debt rescheduling , which has also released new aid flows .
8 First , and of most immediate relevance as far as the tax-protest movement is concerned , the past two decades have witnessed a remarkable change in the nature of political dissent which has increasingly assumed unconstitutional and , on occasions , violent forms .
9 The company , which has just concluded preliminary talks with 13 potential predators and is poised for big cuts in staffing costs , pledged to try to recover all the money lost through the ISC affair .
10 Pulker Close is a small development located off the Littlemore Road , Cowley , and is therefore ideally placed for access to the shopping facilities within the Cowley Centre , which has just undergone major refurbishment .
11 And it has launched a successful ‘ affinity ’ credit card , which has just netted Labour £250,000 in its first 12 months .
12 This issue sees the introduction of six new CompuAdd PCs — ranging from one of the world 's most compact 286 notebook PCs , to a 486 which has just won Personal Computer World 's award for Best Power User System .
13 remember I said earlier on in one of the black and white ones that we have n't , we 've got some water there which has n't got nice lines on , well this , this water certainly has .
14 SCOTVEC was invited to participate in this transnational project by Borders Training Services ( part of the Continuing Education Department of Borders Regional Council ) which has previously made successful bids to the PETRA and LINGUA programmes .
15 Finally , one area which has not received full justice in our coverage is the extensive empirical tradition of examining industries case by case to develop views on efficiency .
16 I am delighted that my hon. Friend the Member for Bedfordshire , South-West ( Mr. Madel ) mentioned an important issue which has not received satisfactory answers in Committee , nor is likely to , in what will remain of the Report stage after the guillotine .
17 * Evidence is growing that BSE may be transmitted through the generations , after a third cow which has not received contaminated feed has been placed under a restriction order on the grounds of suspected infection .
18 You have to look hard in Christendom to find a Christian culture which has not become privatised .
19 There have been some new houses built in the last few years , but Ottringham is one of the few villages in Holderness which has not seen large housing developments taking place .
20 Some of the discrepancies between the three measures can be ascribed to the use of random hypothetical data which has not produced well-diversified portfolios .
21 Under 5.1(12) , however , the election of a board member is not vitiated by a technical defect in the proceedings which has not prejudiced other interested parties in the election , and , under s.2(6) , the grant of a new licence is not to be objected to on the ground that any of the members of the board granting it were not qualified to grant the licence .
22 On the other hand the path has been from empirical field investigations towards continental or global patterns and this may be one important direction which must continue to be followed because large-scale soil erosion as in China , large-scale deforestation as in the Amazon , atmospheric pollution or global climatic change inspired by changes of carbon dioxide are all contemporary environmental processes on a scale which has not attracted sufficient physical geographers .
23 Again , while the idea that officials exercising delegated authority should be directly accountable to Parliament may seem logical , it ignores the political reality of government domination which has traditionally characterized executive/legislative relationships in Britain .
24 The failure to produce one is naturally laid at the door of the government which has progressively weakened regional strategic planning over the past ten years , but it is also undeniable that any large scale infrastructure programme would produce massive public opposition .
25 Reportedly there are continuing internal struggles between Sun 's hardware unit — which wants the new NFS as soon as possible for its next generation multi-processing servers — and SunSoft , which has already promised multi-threading for NFS , but wants the new features to be part of Solaris 2.1 or higher , and 2.1 is n't expected until mid-1993 .
26 LLOYD 'S of London is a unique means by which people anywhere may buy insurance against risks of all kinds , but which has now fallen foul of risks its members should themselves have anticipated .
27 The Bill , which has now received Royal Assent , will review all the Nature Conservancy Council 's previous work in setting up hundreds of Sites of Special Scientific Interest in Scotland .
28 Silverstone , the premier British motor racing circuit , was the site of another Wellington Operational Training Unit ( OTU ) which has now received permanent commemoration .
29 Since the Second World War , executive search in the US has developed from a small cottage industry into a $ multimillion , multinational business which has deeply penetrated American corporate life .
30 One particular branch of such research which has recently caused considerable activity and controversy is the field of ‘ flashbulb ’ memories and this will be considered first before more general research on autobiographical memories is discussed .
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