Example sentences of "which we can [vb infin] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 That we look not for detailed application of single techniques in a piecemeal fashion , but rather that we look for the general developments from which we can build school specific approaches which translate the experience into usable school practice .
2 The best way — indeed , the only way — in which we can make progress in that regard is by affecting attitudes and the culture that exists within companies .
3 However , the dimensions on which we can locate units , such as people , in some property space can be of different kinds and certainly of more than two dimensions .
4 The value of the ethological study of apes , monkeys and baboons is what it tells us about apes , monkeys and baboons ; only in very special circumstances , and in a very tentative way , should it be seen as a metaphorical alternative by means of which we can study man himself , as in a mirror .
5 There are a number of different ways in which we can measure wealth .
6 We now have an identity for multimedia , a working definition against which we can measure developments and potential impacts .
7 Then one way in which we can accommodate context-relativity is to say that the proposition expressed by a sentence in a context is a function from possible worlds and that context to truth values .
8 He is also firmly committed to proactive management : ‘ This is n't the kind of business environment in which we can set targets and expect something to happen , and we 're not waiting for an economic turnaround to provide us with the kind of results we want to turn in .
9 The media is interested when books are new , and so we should create a situation in which we can maximise sales when the marketing opportunity is at its peak .
10 The only way in which we can achieve sovereignty is by sharing it .
11 ‘ There are two successive movements of consciousness , difficult but well within our capability , by which we can have access to the superior gradations of our existence .
12 Because language appears such a natural instrument with which we can describe reality , its terms and expressions seem to describe the way things are and will always be .
13 ‘ In addition , it provides a local market in which we can add value to 200,000 tonnes of commercially-grown pine which would otherwise be sold for processing outside the Highlands .
14 There is , then , I believe , a much better way in which we can understand Animal Liberation than the way provided by an egalitarian interpretation of interests .
15 The processes through which we can see texts functioning within a social and cultural context are problematic .
16 The recommendations er , Chairman , are that the , that we should support a payment of five thousand pounds to business link which we can find funds from existing resources that we 've got .
17 It is typical of the Labour party that it loses sight of the possibility of being able to get better value for money and of being able to improve the extent to which and the way in which we can help people without always asking the taxpayer to fund more .
18 This book suggests many ways in which we can use video in a different way to viewing television .
19 And if this process can be conceived as relevant not only to a possible future but to processes of critique and struggle now , then to point to the emergence of black American , non-Western and European ‘ folk ’ elements within mass produced popular music commodities — with however ambivalent results — may be the historically most significant way in which we can put Adorno 's critical pessimism in its correct place .
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