Example sentences of "which is [adv] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Which is slightly more than some people do with their money .
2 Erm , although I think we will say that that would be dangerous thing to do and that we should continue to work upon the er the assumption that there erm er overall as a n , a nine percent increase , but , that seems highly unlikely that will succeed , erm What I 've then done is take account of the various staffing changes that there have been during the year , both short term and long term , erm , and you 'll see that produces a figure actually available to us this year of twenty seven thousand five hundred and eighty eight investigative hours , erm which is slightly less than we had last year , er but erm almost not significantly so , erm and it seemed to me therefore that if we were n't trying to reduce times , er , if we were saying that we would turn in times at the end of this year which were the same as the term times we turned in at the end of last year we could probably achieve that without any further recruitment .
3 Questions inevitably arise as to which individuals are really qualified to call themselves experts within a body of knowledge which is both politically and personally sensitive .
4 After the central portion from the grape is exhausted , the flesh nearest to the pips and to the skin is pressed , that is , the pulp which is both inside and outside the richer central zone .
5 It gives me great pleasure to announce that that would mean Cherwell District Council would have to disappear as well , and that would be another blip off the horizon erm but that what would happen you would therefore have a smaller authority , who would then become the Education Authority , and that would be would have to be , I think , somewhere in between the current District Council size in Cherwell or the Vale , of what about a hundred thousand , and the present county , which is rather more than half a million .
6 I am flying now , flying home through that murky sky which is neither here nor there , neither day nor night , and in the sponge of my saturated soul , I feel so very little .
7 This guy used to be a skinhead and sniff glue in Green Island , which is just outside where I used to live .
8 ( Which is probably exactly where Malcolm got the idea from . )
9 I think I 've got five minutes which is probably more than some of you delegates have got so I 'll keep it fairly short and sweet .
10 The differential amplifiers used in EEG machines use the difference between the voltages offered by the two inputs , which is normally less than 200 microvolts ( millionths of a volt ) , and amplify this difference up to a voltage sufficient to drive the galvanometer pens — perhaps 0–5 volts .
11 This means that at any frontier anywhere in the world a border official who has at his disposal a piece of equipment which is already widely and internationally available will be able instantaneously to record the personal details from a passport without the holder realising it , and the record will be automatically read into and stored by a computer .
12 The kind of place that he was looking for was the second home , the petit-bourgeois country retreat which is usually sparsely and cheaply furnished and rarely occupied .
13 I think the point you were trying to make is it it 's a relative sorry no I should n't say relatively small , but it 's a proportion of the workforce which is somewhat less than fifty percent .
14 The moment teachers feel safe enough to tell the truth ( which is often anywhere but in their own staffrooms ) , they rush to unburden themselves of feelings and symptoms such as those which I have described , and are surprised and relieved that other people are feeling the same way .
15 The transfer of responsibility for all non-university institutions of higher and further education to the Secretary of State for Wales which is now more than four years old seems to have created no major administrative problems .
16 The delay and uncertainty over the fate of Challenger 's principal cargo , the tracking and data relay satellite , which is now aloft but in the wrong orbit , means that Europe 's Spacelab may have to operate at half-speed when it is launched in September .
17 It is perfectly clear to me and fellow Councillors that a report which is so badly and which so badly uses statistics , can not be received because it is not of sufficient quality for this County Council and support the District Council to use it .
18 Sooner or later , the knee will have to make a move , but now it is immobilised by the two flies , the lower of which is so still that it seems dead .
19 Though Lyra is small , it contains a number of interesting objects , and of course it is graced by the presence of Vega , the lovely blue star which is almost overhead as seen from British latitudes during summer evenings .
20 There had been a shop in Street I which is still there but it 's been used for other things now .
21 The pool was just bel just beside the harbourmaster 's office just a little further where it is now , cos what we had , what we call the yard , that 's where the engineers ' workshops was , the carpenters ' shop , which is still there and then little further up th up the Newcut East there was the pool place for the National Dock Labour Board .
22 Nevertheless this is , as she says , a way of thinking about international politics which is still more or less in its infancy .
23 The farmer with fertile land in a favourable situation and with a good business sense may be able to adjust his product ‘ mix ’ so as to hedge his income from market fluctuations , and to ensure a cash-flow which is as even as possible throughout the year .
24 You 'll be given a fistful of them and the one that is set for you should be the first one that you do , but then the groups should pick something which is as far as possible relevant to what 's actually going on in your profession at the moment .
25 In Braque 's l'Estaque landscapes of the previous year , the two-dimensional surface of the picture is retained partly by allowing the eye no way of escape beyond the mountains , buildings and trees , and here the same effect is achieved by the concrete treatment of the sky , which is as elaborately and solidly painted as the rest of the canvas , and which is fused with the landscape below by the extension into it of all the main compositional lines .
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