Example sentences of "which is [adv] important [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The trend will probably further delay the creating of new consultant posts , which is critically important for some specialties , including oncology , where unrealistic workloads are carried .
2 The milk is notable for a high protein content ( 3.49 per cent ) and this is a factor which is increasingly important in milk production the world over .
3 The commitment to Trident , which is particularly important to us in Scotland , is not .
4 The spatial sub-file , which is particularly important for data base integration , was sub-divided into further levels storing nodal position , enclosing box , primary silhouette , secondary silhouette , and tertiary/section silhouettes in descending layers .
5 Read for a while , then do some writing or some research browsing in a library ; this can reduce the effect of strain or tiredness with long bouts of writing , something which is particularly important for health reasons if you work at a computer .
6 [ He says ] moreover that the testator 's intention , which is particularly important in trusts , supports this opinion , and that the testator would not , after this preamble , have added objects if he had wanted only cash to be paid .
7 Hashing techniques are very fast , but do not allow the study of sub-word letter sequences , which is particularly important in this case , as explained in section 3.3 below .
8 In the uplands , the basic facts of land use have already been outlined in Table 8.2 ( 7th line of data ) , but these data ignore the distinction between farmland and rough pasture , which is particularly important in Scotland , where much of the so-called agricultural area is moorland .
9 There is one person responsible for ensuring that the individual does not ‘ slip through the net ’ or drift away from the service , a factor which is particularly important in mental health services .
10 The thicker shelled species often carry a distinctive sculpture , which is also important in identifying fossil species .
11 This forms part of the ‘ learning by doing ’ concept , which is also important in other forms of library user education .
12 — centres around the old oak woodland which is equally important to a wealth of other birds .
13 Remember please that it is the effort of doing and thinking about and trying to find the means of expressing an idea which is most important in art education — not the finished result .
14 Many protests in our prisons are about food , which is extremely important to the prisoners .
15 Obviously you know , I 'd love to erm try and win that erm win that again erm and also the grass track racing which is extremely important to me , but erm being world speedway champion is erm for me the number one now you know , I 've really erm the long track scene virtually can look after itself without having to worry too much about the planning and everything .
16 In particular the way small firms function as ‘ a highly elastic shock absorber of underemployed and marginal workers which is extremely important in recessions ’ ( Samuels 1981 p.45 ) .
17 A theorem which is very important for us and which proves not only that any two integers a , b ( not both zero ) do have a gcd , but much more besides is Theorem 1.4.4 Any two integers a , b ( not both zero ) have a unique positive gcd .
18 And you know this brings another important aspect up which is very important about communications , erm you know we 've jollied along talking about what communication is making sure people know you know what you want etcetera etcetera etcetera but also do n't forget that different people can have different perceptions of the same same things but as I say here we are we sat here we done we 've done about an hour an hour and a half on written communications and yet you know when we passed the papers around it has n't been too bad but there has been different things that people have gone for both in the writing of these reports and both in the marking of them as well .
19 This ensures good eye contact which is very important in promoting mutual trust and confidence between members .
20 Plus he 's English , which is very important in European games when the UEFA ruling prevents you from fielding more than a couple of non-nationals .
21 Let's have a look which is more important to you .
22 Many status rankings are not based upon economic positions but upon traditional , hereditary , religious , or other differences — as in the caste system , which is more important in stratifying Indian society than economic classes .
23 Often it is the process which is more important in explaining group performance than the content , even though it will usually be the content that we assess in measuring its performance .
24 It is this careful attention to traditional dance rhythms which is so important to the style of both ballets , although neither can be called a character or national work ( see page 28 ) .
25 ‘ The event gave the TEC a good opportunity to discover the needs of this vital Hampshire industry , which is so important to the country 's prosperity .
26 You simply hacked off a sizeable lump , and with this big piece , rasped off the skin of the lemon , thus releasing the essential oil of the zest which is so important to the flavour of creams , ices , and particularly of that uniquely English speciality , lemon curd .
27 ‘ What we can not afford to do is to sacrifice our core investment programme in Chemicals which is so important to the long-term future . ’
28 This gives an impression of speed which is so important in this interpretation of Czerny 's finger exercises for the piano , and is quite alien to the soft rise and fall of the Sylphides ' jetés danced to Chopin 's romantic music in a woodland glade .
29 This view stems , in part , from the difficulty in perceiving in an unfamiliar society that degree of micro-differentiation which is so important in appreciating the subtleties of consumption patterns in one 's own society .
30 Second and equally important , for there is no ‘ first ’ and ‘ second ’ class research , is that body of information about schools — you might call it a ‘ professional inventory ’ , which is as important to a curriculum planner as statistics are to a ministry planning officer .
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