Example sentences of "which he [verb] up [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't suppose there 's much doubt that Milton approached his marriage a little late in life with an intensity of idealism that must , to some degree , have derived from the high conception of the chastity to which he had up till then dedicated himself , and poor Mary Powell , just like Desdemona , becomes a victim of male idealisation and the unreasonable demands that it makes .
2 His earliest purchase , in about 1911 , was of 1.5 hectares , including a brickyard pond , in the Eastbourne area , which he planted up in order to attract , amongst other birds , breeding Marsh Warblers .
3 He dwelt on the " great historic victory " of 1989 , which he summed up as the " three great victories " : suppression of the counter-revolutionary riot in June , rectification of economic order , and " a new favourable turn on the ideological and political front " .
4 Architect of the drive towards ‘ People 's Television ’ , Sydney Newman took with him to the BBC his observations on the experiment , which he summed up by saying , ‘ Children of today , who make up part of our vast audience , are well informed and are capable of some pretty sophisticated judgements .
5 His love for Edmund is a trust that the bastard exploits , planting a false letter , which he backs up with false testimony , alleging that Edgar would wish to oust his father , a hypocrite 's typical inversion of the truth .
6 He was aware of one thing about Ken on these trips : his concern about a lack of education which he made up for with his voracious reading .
7 Super Mario exists on a sole diet of mushrooms , which he gobbles up during the game , but Mario 's favourite food is pasta .
8 Mr Zeman was sharply attacked in the official news media in the days following the publication of his views , which he followed up with an article in the most important samizdat newspaper , Lidove Noviny .
9 From a pocket in the case , he removes a copy of a painting of Jesus , which he holds up for me to see , widening his eyes like he used to when challenging an opponent or the press .
10 Now living in Wimbledon , in a spacious house complete with swimming pool , Crawford went into four months ' training for his gruelling role , starting each day at 6.30am with a four-mile run across the common , which he built up to twelve miles .
11 Johnny Kelly , an established player , ingeniously devised his own brand of detergent , which he mixed up in his bath at home and delivered in an old van with the registration number AGE 100 .
12 He shrugs off his legacy of injuries — a fractured bone in his back , ripped Achilles tendons , the deep bruise on his face which he picked up on the way to winning a bronze medal in Poland .
13 This was to be the visit on which he linked up with The New York Dolls .
14 His income he augmented by writing pamphlets about railways , teaching an evening class in car maintenance — a subject he knew little about but which he mugged up from a handbook the night before — and , if things got bad , painting houses .
15 I think I 'll have a beer tonight Knock , give the jake a rest , ’ said Yanto ‘ Suit yourself , ’ Knocker replied , and drew off a pint of bitter , which he held up to the light .
16 At the same time Fastolf s attitude to the practicalities of war reflect a hardheadedness which was essentially of this world : the plan which he drew up in 1435 favouring a ‘ tough ’ approach to the war made little concession to romantic ideas of chivalry which would influence a knight 's conduct in war .
17 A more general indication of his interests is given by the catalogue of his library , which he drew up in 1632 , when he had just moved house to Long Acre , Covent Garden .
18 Nevertheless Todorov 's study is interesting for the principle which guides his whole enterprise , and which he sums up in his conclusion .
19 Jock set up an old aircraft wing with a tin of petrol inside to simulate a fuel tank , which he propped up on some oil drums .
20 Prince Adam promptly donated the entire museum to a foundation which he set up for the purpose , to which he also ceded all his rights to his pre-war estates and property .
21 In the city itself there is the Oskar Reinhart Foundation , which he set up for Winterthur in his lifetime , and which houses over six hundred works by Swiss , German and Austrian artists of the sixteenth , seventeenth and eighteenth centuries .
22 His early ventures into freelance design had been reasonably successful ; with Leonie 's encouragement he worked long hours as a restaurant porter to earn enough money to buy a couple of ancient industrial machines which he set up at one end of the living room of his mother 's house .
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