Example sentences of "which i [verb] [pron] be " in BNC.

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1 until yo you 're actually gon na do it , sort of thing which I thought it was interesting .
2 I think , I think the other thing is as well though is that when you , I mean you 've been sitting pensions cos I mean I had the P H I which I thought it was easier to actually describe erm but erm it 's easy for us to actually sit back and , and go back on everything that everyth er everybody else did wrong is n't it , so
3 Last week I saw you in Suddenly Last Summer in which I thought you were incredible .
4 This is one of my film articles which I mean it 's of the things that I 've sent of and I know it will be published because I belong to the Cinema Veterans cinema and television veterans and they have this quarterly magazine and almost certainly you know it will be published in there , there 's no
5 And as you see , the numbers with which I credit him are more than enough .
6 As to my … period of meditation , there are mental disciplines in which I fear you 're sorely lacking , Grimbo , though I thank you for rubbing life back into my limbs . ’
7 The message which I bring you is , that on the Government 's own figures , business failures will rise by 35,000 in the next 12 months and unemployment will rise much faster yet … ’
8 There are also red-painted railings , on which I assume I am invited to lean .
9 And it in the Summer which I know it is n't the Summer , in the Summer we just take these well we will cos we have n't had any for the Summer we just takes these panes out and just open them like that in the Summer .
10 Use the common sense which I know you are blessed with , and little can go wrong . ’
11 There is another thing which I know you were thinking about a great deal , which all of us must think about .
12 At the doctor 's I generally last four minutes before collapsing whilst trying to describe the muscle pain which he knows is a muscle pain but which I know he 's only saying is a muscle pain to disguise the seriousness of his true diagnosis .
13 ‘ As I look at the shabby , commercialised and demoralised society in which I write I am more convinced than ever that the political analysis on which I was brought up was right .
14 He hands me a brown manila file , and a handwritten invoice which I imagine he is giving to me now while the connection between the reams of faxes and the many noughts , in local shillings , of his invoice is still fresh .
15 The little insert in the middle of the article , which I take it is not down to Sir Nicholas , is even more misleading because it suggests that the income eligibility limit on civil cases would be reduced from £3,060 to £2,293 .
16 I , I did do years gone by yes and they , they did move into the football combination at one time , because it was considered that the Midland Intermediate League was too big a jump for young men into the first team and the difference was so vast in the type of football that Walsall second team they u only playing young fellas , and they used to win seven and eight goal margins every week you know , but then they moved up into combination that was a better standard of football , but latter years economy drives and everything they came back out of the combination reverted to the Midland Intermediate again which I believe there are two phases of that no one for s older players and the other one strictly for youth players
17 The temporary flat in which I found him was littered with books .
18 Yet , it is the performances of the Fitzwilliam Quartet to which I find myself being drawn back .
19 If teachers use the methods of the artisan to achieve satisfactory wage levels ( to which I agree they are entitled ) it is only reasonable for society , through its elected representatives , to view them in these terms and define for teachers their role and function .
20 And be that there no magical erm like you , which I agree there is a mystical .
21 And we should look also I think perhaps at some quality factors er which might be written into the lease since there are some some things which I think we 're all less than satisfied with er you know customer complaints and the way they 're dealt with .
22 then if we 're charging him out at roughly two point one , which I think we are something like that with our discount
23 There 's a sense in which I think you are saying something which I 've often heard people say recently , and that is that in a day , in a time of rapid change , we personally and collectively need to make sense of where we 're going , our futures , in terms of our past .
24 which I think there were four competitors , one of whom got through to the district final and eventually to the national final that John is going to on Saturday .
25 And that really leads me up er leads me to my final point which I think it is essential to plan for success with this new settlement .
26 Well I mean they 've never really spoken about it one way or another , encouraged me or discouraged me , which I think I 'm grateful for .
27 The remit which I set myself is to examine in outline the ways in which the political parties have both responded to and helped to shape the pertinent social collectivities in Britain over the post-war years , and how the activities of political forces have been constrained by , and have served to maintain or transform , the economic class relations of British capitalism .
28 The bargemen greeted us as formally as if we were visiting them in their own homes , which I suppose we were .
29 Eric , who was going through a religious phase at the time which I suppose I was to some extent copying , thought this was a terrible thing to say ; God was n't like that .
30 ‘ I think the success of our ‘ Hello Rodney , Hello Charles ’ routine was that it never sounded rehearsed — which I suppose it was n't .
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