Example sentences of "which it have [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Yet there must have been a point at which it had clearly failed as a general expedient , and some may always have considered it shameful .
2 After drainage had removed this regular winter flood , the people were left with ‘ thin hungry starving water , which rendered the land incapable of supporting the large grazing herds which it had formerly sustained .
3 ‘ But apparently the street lights had come on and their electric glare was filtered through the torn mesh of dusty leaves , giving an elegance to the street which it had otherwise forgotten .
4 Nevertheless , in early agricultural societies that had not developed into totalitarian welfare states child-rearing assumed a new and crucial importance which it had not possessed in the primeval hunter-gatherer societies ( except perhaps by default : that is , by not really existing as a means of cultural repression ) .
5 This opinion required that the other party to the Mandate agreement , South Africa , accept supervision by a body to which it had not consented and which was not even in existence at the time of the agreement .
6 In the second half of the 1980s , however , the North recovered a small part of the share of manufacturing employment which it had previously lost to the South .
7 The chief Soviet negotiator Oleg Grinevsky delivered an undertaking that the Soviet Union would adhere to the treaty 's prescribed weapons ceilings , destroying ( with proof ) 6,000 tanks , 1,500 armoured combat vehicles and 7,000 artillery pieces from its stocks east of the Urals , and including as part of its treaty totals three motorized divisions , comprising some 3,700 tanks , artillery and armoured personnel carriers , which it had previously classified as " naval infantry " not subject to the CFE treaty [ see p. 38027 ] .
8 The declaration proclaimed further that the Russian people had the sole right to own , utilize and dispose of Russia 's natural wealth ; that the RSFSR had the right to form its own diplomatic links with other Soviet republics and foreign states ; and that it had the right to participate in the exercise of powers which it had voluntarily passed to the Union .
9 With regard to taxation , jurisdiction , provisions , patronage and vacancies , even where the church suffered no new encroachments , it certainly recovered nothing which it had already lost .
10 I realized , in a way in which it had never struck me before , what a need there was for Black people ( naturally ) to see themselves as in the image of their God , and their God as in their image .
11 His first objective was to restore the authority of Soviet socialism by economic reform and political democratisation ; the second , much more ambitious objective was to reposition Soviet communism in relation to the European tradition from which it had originally emerged , seeking to build up a coalition of working class , religious , ecological , youth and other forces which could unite around the slogan of peace and social justice , if not necessarily Marxism-Leninism .
12 The new excise rate proposals replaced the compulsory uniform rates which it had originally proposed in 1987 , but which had been rejected by nearly all member countries .
13 For example , mandamus would lie to compel a tribunal to hear a case which it had mistakenly decided was not within its jurisdiction .
14 Although polling apparently passed off peacefully , the election campaign period had reportedly been characterized by months of repression , severe restrictions and official harassment of candidates and political activists , as the military regime continued the clampdown on the pro-democracy movement which it had brutally repressed in September 1988 [ see pp. 36221-25 for background ] .
15 Barbados Labour Party ( BLP , former Foreign Minister Henry Forde l. ) is the right-wing opposition ; the National Democratic Party ( NDP , Richie Haynes l. ) , a splinter group from the DLP formed in 1989 , lost in the 1991 general election the four seats which it had hitherto held .
16 France announced on June 3 that it would sign the 1968 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty ( NPT ) , which it had hitherto refused to endorse on the grounds that it compromised France 's nuclear independence .
17 Once trapped , the boar was delivered to the city of Mycenae , which it had long terrorised , and there it was ceremonially disposed of .
18 Was the Council willing to embark on a major new undertaking in a field in which it had only limited experience , none of it in the validation of teacher education itself ?
19 This much should be clear after the Bundesbank under Pöhl was forced to accept Federal Government policy not only on the principle of German Monetary Union but also on the exchange rate , both of which it had initially resisted .
20 For science not only offered the movement an image of modernity which it had recently lacked ; it also provided a vocabulary with which Labour 's traditional divisions could be obscured . ’
21 It now stood motionless , upright , next to the stone which it had still failed to raise , and which lay forlornly dangling over its hole .
22 The payment of this sum , however , was conditional on the Legislative Assembly approving new and unpopular tax laws which it had still failed to do by May 1991 .
23 Meanwhile , BFT 's looking for dab hands at sewing , for which it 's just acquired a range of new equipment .
24 In not believing such relations to be wrong , conservatives are going against the whole ethos of the modern world , in which it has increasingly come to be held that humans should be treated as equals .
25 We want to know — The right hon. and learned Member for Monklands , East ( Mr. Smith ) can leap up and tell me — the House would be delighted to hear from him — how he will cover the difference between the £10 billion of extra taxation to which his party has already committed itself and the £35 billion of extra spending to which it has also committed itself ?
26 This was conducted by Sir Edmund Compton and as a result of his report the Treasury Solicitor 's office lost a considerable amount of its advisory work ( which it has since regained ) at about the time Ware became Treasury Solicitor in 1971 .
27 It would have even more credibility if the Labour party would claim and set out the funding that it would provide for the national health service , which it has expressly failed to do .
28 Yet with treaties , lack of protest is viewed as irrelevant ; the strong presumption that a State is not bound by a treaty which it has not accepted means that lack of response to a treaty communicated to it entails no acceptance .
29 The United States will not be bound by any obligations to which it has not assented , but the question of rights may be more problematic .
30 Mr Kanemaru 's reputation took a dive from which it has not recovered .
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