Example sentences of "which we have [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The selected function-word-dependent phone models in SPHINX are perhaps distinguished from content words by similar stress and co-articulatory information , which we have represented explicitly in the lexicon .
2 Some of the burdens identified recently by business which worry it most are proposals such as the minimum wage and some elements of the social charter which would greatly increase costs and could resurrect union militancy after our years of recent success in which we have created far more harmony and success .
3 The first author shows quite clearly that the idea of inference or mental perception is connected to an impression of " afterness " or subsequence , as are all the other uses with to which we have seen up to this point .
4 Apathy is a state of mind in which we have given up and no longer exercise control over our lives .
5 If antiracism is to be effective in education , it is therefore necessary to take a hard and perhaps painful look at the terms under which we have operated so far .
6 And this is a matter which must be given some weight in decision when you combine it with the other factors also which we have gone through today .
7 I am not sure how accurately that can be measured , but it represents a substantial cost to the NHS , which the hon. Member for Eccles compared , in my view rightly , with the large sums of money that the European Community still commits to subsidising tobacco production , against which we have argued vehemently in Brussels .
8 The German preoccupation with the theory of tragedy is bound up with a more general German admiration for Greece , to which we have alluded already .
9 Interestingly the effect of Oct-1 on the octamer motif at 7731 to 7738 in HPV 16/18 which we have documented here may be only one of multiple effects of Oct-1 on the HPV URR .
10 The Conservatives ' strategy of holding back the state pension on the ground that the deficit could be made good by additional private sector pensions has been blown out of the water , not least by the vulnerability of occupational pensions which we have witnessed recently and by the under-performance and the milking of private pension schemes themselves .
11 Apart from conjunctions and disjuncts which we have decided not to take into account for our current purposes , this is the only instance in which the theme of the clause is not the element that occurs in initial position .
12 One common kind of strategy , which we have met already , is to hide the complexity .
13 Where problems do arise over cutting out narrow strips — which we have met before — it is sometimes best to cut in the background piecemeal , gluing in each subsection of background separately as you go along .
14 However , the consensus about the value of particular reactions which we have declared theoretically conceivable is not practically attainable in times of perpetual and world-wide interaction , conflict and change .
15 Experience of life , and genuine discussion with people of other views , can enable us to add to , and revise , and even occasionally to give up , aspects of the stance which we have adopted so far .
16 Not only did the existence of a divided society help fuel party tensions under William and Anne , but taking the longer perspective covered by this book as a whole , it might even be fair to suggest that the emergence of the party divide amongst the political elite was itself a symptom of the bitter divisions that already existed in this society , divisions which we have traced back to the Restoration in 1660 .
17 It 's pretty lucky that Mr Punch 's exclusive eight-point plan should be so eerily coincidental with the closure of Punch , of which we have heard so much . ’
18 But Exodus 1.8 read , ‘ Now there arose a new king over Egypt , who did not know Joseph , ’ and then began the story of Egyptian brutality and oppression to which we have already referred , and after that we are back with the tales of the Israelites ' stubborn complaining in the wilderness with which we have become so familiar .
19 What sticks in the craw of many is swallowed whole , and Future Tense is full of the critical imagery with which we have become so familiar : edifices are really only facades , and anyway these are decaying .
20 It should be clear that TP is a special case of TRP with M + N sites , in which we have written instead of whenever ( a warehouse ) .
21 To a large degree this was due to the examples of famous churches such as Christ Church , Westminster Bridge Road , to which we have referred before .
22 So there is a range of hidden costs of community care which we have to remember when we are trying to set up new services .
23 One important implication of this must be emphasised , which we have glossed over until now : in the same way that there is no single pattern of development of sociology , so there is no single sociological perspective .
24 ‘ Let us pray that Our Church , which We have built up through Thy Faith and trust , will … hold together … and that … although there are Beings that … ’
25 This is not the keeping of the letter by escaping through the loopholes which we have opened up through clever casuistry .
26 However on the basis of the evidence from the research on the relationship between age and subjects which we have discussed above , it seems likely that non-traditionally qualified students in areas such as science and engineering might be expected to achieve lower levels of success than those in areas such as arts or social sciences .
27 The blocks which we have discussed up to this point have all been coupled with withdrawal actions .
28 The papers included here also tackle the main features required to implement effectively the new approach which we have outlined above .
29 This observation is one which we have to make indirectly : by directly observing a thermometer , and inferring that the temperature is what the thermometer says it is .
30 That is the policy which we have pursued consistently , with the result that direct taxation has come down substantially .
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