Example sentences of "which they [be] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It starts with the minor gods working to irrigate the land , then rebelling at their lot , from which they are relieved by the creation of man who is to do the work instead .
2 Random samples are objectively determined and their " sampling error " can be calculated to indicate the degree to which they are representative of the relevant population .
3 The skills of counsellors are ultimately judged by the extent to which they are successful in facilitating personal action by the counsellees in dealing with life problems .
4 For over fifty years selected local bus operators have been given monopoly rights on their routes in return for which they are subject to fares control and expected to plough back any profits from good services to maintain loss-making routes .
5 To produce an amplifier to drive headphones successfully and to obtain the maximum performance which they are capable of requires that both these problems must be addressed .
6 Most books and courses on social policy deal with housing , though with some uncertainty about the extent to which they are concerned with the private sector .
7 And they are asked to provide us with a list of businesses which they are happy for us to approach .
8 And we ask them to bring together er list of the businesses which they are happy for us to approach on their behalf
9 We are er going to ask them to compile a list of businesses which they are happy for us to approach .
10 If the assessor is not involved in provision , they can take a more objective look at individual client need , be able to say whether some need is unmet , and not be tempted to offer those services for which they are responsible as the sole , potentially inappropriate solution to the client 's problems .
11 If we 've got to close homes , let's close them but make sure the homes that 's left are warm welcoming and give these people the dignity and the independence to which they are entitled to which they 've earned and which they thoroughly deserve .
12 Does it even speak from some recognition , however disavowed , that police practices transgress the ‘ rules of civilized conduct ’ which they are supposed to be upholding , and nowhere more obviously than in their treatment of black people ?
13 In the area of hypertext , the choice of which particular system to use is essentially a pragmatic one ; many of the available ones display appropriate behaviour at the depth to which they are likely to be investigated .
14 A virtue of the postclassical perspective is that , although it too is concerned with differences in individual dispositions towards crime , it allows more readily for changes in such dispositions , and for a more dynamic relationship between them and the situations in which they are likely to be activated .
15 Babies are profoundly egocentric in that they are unable to view themselves as having an identity which is separate and distinct from the world which they are aware of through their senses .
16 Ministers are responsible to Parliament through the convention of individual ministerial responsibility which assigns to them control of their departments , for which they are answerable to Parliament .
17 ‘ We intend to continue to increase output and drive our unit costs down to a level at which they are competitive with other sources of electricity generations . ’
18 They have now found premises which they are interested in , commercial property in a building owned by Grand Metropolitan , who are asking for £15,000 a year for a property in bad condition .
19 The theories ' emphasis on consciousness restricts their ability to deal with other non-psychological differences between subjects , and even undermines the concept of a specifically feminine consciousness which they are interested in .
20 It thus offered a form of compensatory training for them and made no attempt to try to alter the racist structures and attitudes in the labour market by which they were disadvantaged in the first place .
21 Both groups received a test session in which the light was presented in a different context ( B ) but one with which they were familiar in that all subjects had received 14 sessions of exposure to it .
22 One recent finding with YTS trainees , undertaking tasks with which they were familiar in the work place " " , was that consistency can be low on some tests .
23 On the morning of the days on which they were due to be announced , the dealing manager of DPR Futures would scream at the AEs : " This is it .
24 These were the occasions which enabled them to display for hours the rigid immobility for which they were famous throughout Europe .
25 But when the state collects taxes in order to provide some of its citizens with services which they were capable of obtaining for themselves it is perpetrating a grave act of injustice on the taxpayers .
26 The intellectual influence of the barbarians was , however , felt in the Hellenistic world only to the extent to which they were capable of expressing themselves in Greek .
27 Doing things to patients which they were capable of doing for themselves was also wasteful of resources :
28 Which they were used to .
29 The Royal Navy relieved these men of the burden of privileged birth , gave them a peer-group of brother officers and an isolated , artificial microcosm of society in which they were free to be themselves .
30 The four acute hospitals studied also varied in the extent to which they were dependent on business from their own district , from 20 per cent in a teaching hospital which had a large range of supraregional specialities and dealt with over 120 districts , to over 90 per cent in a rural district general hospital .
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