Example sentences of "all [pers pn] had [verb] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 However he assured her that she could control the pain and all she had to do to achieve this was to look at a certain corner of the ward ceiling and the pain would go .
2 All she had wanted to do was make sure her followers knew she was back on the road to recovery and fit enough to joke " the Scottish people have so amazingly walked into my heart the impact has been far more powerful than I could have imagined " .
3 She sighed , and wondered if all she had done to help the young couple could possibly have been worth it .
4 All she had left to clutch at was the memory of how she had felt .
5 The tale goes that a little while back , IBM Corp was using street names , reportedly from the Palo Alto town map , as its product code names — Sierra , Summit perhaps — and had been carefully working up the map , so that all you had to do to put a top IBMer into a real flap was to pick a name from the map a couple of streets up from the most recent one you 'd heard of and ask how that product was coming along .
6 The tale goes that a little while back , IBM Corp was using street names , reportedly from the Palo Alto town map , as its product code names — Sierra , Summit perhaps — and had been carefully working up the map , so that all you had to do to put a top IBMer into a real flap was to pick a name from the map a couple of streets up from the most recent one you 'd heard of and ask how that product was coming along .
7 All you had to do to qualify for torture , persecution and death was to be a female who dared step out of line with patriarchal society .
8 She could n't just leave Steve in the lurch after all they had done to get the business together .
9 Superannuated net scribes maintained a bleary outpost at one end of the bar , from which to garner the increasingly hermetic gossip which was all they had left to peddle .
10 She could not bear the thought that after all they had gone through , all they had sacrificed to get so far , it should end like this .
11 So all they had needed to do was wait and , at five o'clock , the wanted man had turned up .
12 And what about the time he had interrupted Lord Boddy , and then realized that all he had wanted to say was that it was interesting ?
13 He bristled , suddenly angered that she could think this of him , after all he had done to purify himself for her .
14 All he had to do to check on her story was to ask at the pub .
15 He would n't want to be disturbed and all he had to do to get out was draw the bloody bolt . ’
16 All he had intended to do was bridge the gap until they got a Chairman , or ‘ Chair ’ as he was supposed to call it .
17 All he had intended to do was keep tabs on her in case he needed a hostage after the hit on Mobuto .
18 She had never had this happen to her before , and she was not expert , in this area , in the art of procrastination , and in no time at all he had managed to slip his hand inside the stocking top of her offside leg .
19 He was the biggest man in Polruan was Uncle Harry , a real giant of a man and once she had seen him knock a child over by mistake when all he had meant to do was cuff him playfully on the ear .
20 To all intents , a British plane flying home if anyone saw it and all it had to do to make the drop was fly in under eight hundred feet because many sections of the English coast have no low-level radar . ’
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