Example sentences of "all [to-vb] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But we are concerned with a fundamentally different matter , the possible ways in which some entity ( or property ) , already accepted mentally , might be identified by a speaker , either for the purposes of his own thought or for communicating some idea to an audience ; in the latter case , there is no reason at all to object to the suggestion that the same item might be referred to either by ( 7 ) , or by ( 4 ) or ( 5 ) .
2 You must also remember that whatever deal you do , it 's reflected for all to see on the Ticker page of the Topic system . ’
3 The plotting room was suddenly silent and the flag was flying at half mast for all to see on the garrison church at Moascar , Ismailia .
4 His tent of meeting , the focus of his presence and means of dialogue , is pitched outside the camp , a sign for all to see of the distance now established between him and his people .
5 Subsidiarity was designed to operate under forms of government exercising undivided power , and the pretensions and ambitions to exercise this power are already clear for all to see in the plans for European integration .
6 The House does not have to take my word for it , because the action taken to deliver our commitments is there for all to see in the report .
7 It 's all to come on the teatime show this afternoon .
8 As chairman Reg Brealey explains in his statement , changes have been made to provide depreciation on buildings and equipment , to accrue retirement gratuity payments , to write off to p&l account the exchange adjustment on foreign currency loans and to provide for interest payable — ‘ all to help in the cause of a clean auditor 's report ’ .
9 They probably have n't anything at all to do with the case .
10 Interesting facts culled from a meeting with the leading lights of both Aldus and Adobe at last year 's Appleworld show indicate that the main problem with PostScript on the Macintosh is the QuickDraw to PostScript conversion process and has nothing at all to do with the LaserWriter or PostScript .
11 The neo-pagans say this is nonsense , their religion has nothing at all to do with the devil , because the devil is an invention of the Christians .
12 And it was all to do with the sewage ?
13 So quite obviously the how we say things is all to do with the voice is n't it ?
14 ‘ Very sick , and it 's got nothing at all to do with the sea . ’
15 This had , and George Eliot knew it , little or even nothing to do with Christ 's injunctions to his followers , and certainly nothing at all to do with the Incarnation which was now being celebrated as the congregation sang " Unto us a Boy is Born " as Daniel at the white-draped altar , with its lovingly embroidered white cloth , watched with Mr Ellenby over the bread and wine .
16 It has nothing at all to do with the cure of Legion .
17 It 's all to do with marketing but then again it 's all to do with the reason for that is I suppose that 's what people want you know if they see a video er er if they watch a video on television and they listen to the song it has to add up you know , it ca n't just be a a story book of one thing and a song about another thing you know .
18 Oh , yeah , but er , all to do with the planning , not past history .
19 The Royal family are country people , their interests and off-duty activities are all to do with the countryside , and the Prince always had a good knowledge of its workings ; but it was not until after he became chairman of the steering committee for Wales that he discovered the danger it was in .
20 Because of one of the two mentioned here in this note has nothing at all to do with the environment .
21 When they were not in chapel , at the dinner table or in their beds , there was nothing at all to do in the house except join the endless gossiping sessions with which João 's sisters and cousins filled their idle hours .
22 Dupea did not want to be tied down by anything or anyone — which seemed Nicholson 's own philosophy — and he wanted above all to keep on the move .
23 This would offer a considerable threat to the future supply of labour were it not for the fact that agriculture also attracts a disproportionate number of school-leavers — more , in fact , than it could possibly cope with if they were all to stay in the industry .
24 As Kenny and Kenny suggest , the " position of the landlord is now very much strengthened " and the " question is whether licences have anything at all to offer to the landlord looking for an income from his residential property . "
25 It does n't take them long at all to get in the outskirts of London , it 's weaving your way
26 Neither Marxism Today , Socialist Review nor Tribune had anything at all to say about the programme .
27 The Bible does have quite a bit to say about Christians — all Christians — being witnesses for Jesus , BUT it does not have very much at all to say about the sort of ‘ Witnessing ’ being done by ‘ Damnation Derek ’ .
28 The advantages were that local judges could be used , first of all to enquire on the pope 's behalf , but quite soon to decide the case as well .
29 Everything about him spelt self-assurance , the confidence of someone who had nothing at all to prove to the world .
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